5: Excitement Seeking Loving Girl Falls For The Slave ❤️

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Author's POV

Y/N: I can't believe this is happening to me?

Our Protagonist can be seen cleaning a very messy room that had trash and dirty female clothes laying around the ground

Shushu: romance mangas are such a bore action pack movie are still the best

The blonde haired girl would then look at Y/N or her new slave

Shushu: What do you think Caretaker?

Y/N: In all fair in truth romance mangas are pretty good I can understand why you would be bored with them but I think that's because you haven't found that one special person you want to share your life with

Shushu: You make it sound like you had someone before?

The black haired boy would stop as he turned his head towards Shushu

Y/N: I did once

Shushu: What happened

The young man obviously didn't want to talk about his past relationship so decided to change the topic

Y/N: How the hell is this room so dirty if I remember I clean this room yesterday how is it already a mess?!

The blonde haired girl who heard this immediately forgot about the previous topic

Shushu: Hi your my slave so no complaining

Y/N: Sorry Shushu but do you have the same blessing as Kyouka?

The size-shifting girl was confused by what her slave said it was obvious that her blessing was to control the size of her body so it was not like the chief

Shushu: of course it isn't

Y/N: That's what I mean your not really my master because you don't have the same blessing as Kyouka and because of that your not really my master

Shushu: But I-

Y/N: Shushu you used blackmail on me to make me your slave that doesn't really make you my true master so it doesn't count

With that boy went back to cleaning the room as he had picked up one of Shushu's panties as a bad smell came from it but the boy wasn't really bothered and was about to put it in the basket of dirty clothes


Our protagonist looks towards the source of the sound to see Shushu with her pointed at him

Shushu:(Giggles) I'll keep this for "Evidence"

The boy just rolls his eyes at girl's antics

It was only yesterday since Shushu had supposedly made Y/N her slave by threatening to show it to the chief

The black haired slave didn't really had much of a choice but he knew Kyoka would never believe in just by seeing a picture no the silver haired girl was smarter then that and would asked for more evidence and since Shushu only had pictures as her evidence Kyoka would have figured things out and properly punished the girl

But what made Y/N have to become Shushu's "Slave" is because if Himari saw the pictures the blue haired girl would have attacked him out of anger and embarrassment without giving the boy a chance to explain that and it would have ruin any chance for the black haired boy to make any bond with said girl

Right now Y/N can be seen outside in the backyard of the dorm having an annoyed expression

Y/N: Seriously that girl

The boy then took notice of Himari being trained by Kyoka

Having already finished cleaning the young man decided to watch the two spar

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