8: I'm Sorry What?!

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Author's POV

The chapter starts with Y/N who can be seen still in his slave form as Kyoka had not undone the transformation

The young man was thinking about Shushu and Himari

The two girls had gotten hurt after fighting against the humanoid Shuuki girl despite their best efforts

Even though their injuries weren't to serious the boy was still worried for them acting like a husband worried for his wife despite that the boy had only known the girls for a month

Himari and him didn't have the best relationship this was because the girl had treated the boy like he was a criminal as if had done a terrible crime subjecting the boy to do hard tasks like cleaning their clothes that have demon blood on them despite the girl knew that the task was hard to do she still made the boy do it treating him like an actual slave

Even though Kyoka respected the Azuma girl and valued her as a subordinate that didn't mean she was going to allow such actions to go unpunished

But the silver haired girl believes that the girl will come around and see Y/N as a fellow comrade and that her view on the boy would change that also include other males as a whole and know that not all men are not what Himari was lead to believe by her family

Slow but surely even though the girl reluctant the girl started show some hints of respect towards the boy and had started have some Conversations with the young man

Despite the verbal interactions between the Azuma girl and the Wakura boy being small it was a step including when the girl stopped giving the boy hard tasks to do instead gave him one's that weren't hard to do

As for the relationship between Shushu and Y/N the two have had great interactions between each after helping eliminate the giant Shuuki problem

The blonde haired girl would invite the young man to play video games together and the two would have conversations with one another which were usually about anime, manga or video games they like or played in the past or were probably thinking of getting in the near future

Tap tap tap

The slave of Kyoka Uzen felt a small hand patting his back making him look to see that it was the seventh unit's clairvoyant

Nei looks up to Y/N giving the boy a reassuring smile which made the boy a feel little calm

Nei: Don't worry Himari and Shushu-Chan will be okay their strong

Y/N: I know but I just wish I could've done more

The pink haired member of the seventh unit hugs our black haired protagonist who was taken aback by the sudden action

Nei: Don't worry and that's an order from your superior

The stood there for a few seconds before Hugging back the pink haired clairvoyant before releasing the girl who would then leave not before looking back to Y/N giving the another reassuring smile before leaving the room

Kyoka: Y/N

The boy would then look over to see his master who has a troubled expression

Kyoka: Please come to my office we need to talk

With that said the two would head to Kyoka's office in order to talk about what happened during their mission

Scene change

Kyoka and Y/N both are seen in the silver haired girl's office with the young man still in his slave form

Kyoka: Both Himari and Shushu will be making a full recovery luckily their injuries weren't to severe

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