:: ᴀᴄᴛ ɴᴏʀᴍᴀʟ ᴡ.s ::

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• A sleep deprived Y/n doesn't know how to keep their mouth shut •

[Y/n Pov]

You had many regrets. Your current one? Staying up so late the night before you and Walker were going to hang out. Technically, it was his fault you stayed up so late. You had lost track of time and ended up face timing until 6 am, with you falling asleep mid conversation. It really baffled you how upbeat and energetic Walker was.

You were woken up around 7:30 by Walker yanking the covers away from your face. You groaned and forced your eyes open to find a smiling and giddy Walker.

He pulled you out of bed and threw some clothes at you, leaving you to change. You did switch the clothes after he left though, god knows this man can't pick out an outfit for the life of him. You met Walker downstairs and slumped down onto the couch next to him.

"I hate you." You mumbled into the cushion of the couch. He laughed and stood up, grabbing your wrists and pulling you off the couch.

"It's not like we're going far. We're just going to Michael's and then we're coming right back." You protested but moved to stand up properly. Walker grins at you and offers his hand. You give in and grab it, letting Walker lead you out to your car. You fumble around in your pocket for your keys and hand them off to Walker, who gives you a weird look.

"You drive. I'm too tired."

"Why me?"

"Because you kept me up until 6 am. Now drive." You pushed him towards the car.

"Damn, okay!" He laughed while jogging to the drivers side of the car. "Pushy."


You both walked side by side down the aisles of Michael's, putting random painting and craft stuff into the cart. Occasionally, Walker would try to sneak odd D.C themed items into the cart.(You did get Batman and Joker comic mugs though)

"Stop putting stuffed animals into the cart!" You swatted Walker's hands away and snatched the stuffed animal from his hands and put it back on the shelf.

"I can't even get one?"

"I'm getting you the mugs!" You bargained. He let out a loud sigh and stopped when you stopped to look at the wall of canvas's. He walked around the cart and slung and arm around your shoulder, leaning his head on it. "The hell are you doing?"

"Getting comfortable."


"Well if you're going to just stand there all day and look at the wall then I'm going to get comfortable." He stated. You shrugged him off with a small laugh and grabbed some smaller canvas's.

"Come on you doofus." You grinned and yanked his arm along with you towards checkout.


You and Walker spent a good couple hours painting on the floor of your bedroom. You plowed through all of the Harry Potter movies by the time you both decided to go downstairs for some food. You quietly run down the stairs with Walker trailing behind you and into the kitchen.

"Okay Walker, what do you want?" You made a hard stop in front of the pantry and opened it to display the newly stocked shelves. He came up behind you and placed his chin on your shoulder to look into the narrow pantry. He hummed and pointed excitedly at the box of brownie mix on the lower shelf.

"Brownies sound good." He whispered. You could feel each word he spoke by his breath on your neck. You get he was trying to be quiet as to not wake up your parents, but damn was Walker oblivious. You chuckled awkwardly and moved away from him, grabbing the box from the pantry and closing the door.

"Yeah... sure thing bud." Walker gives you a weird look but follows you to the counter. You open the box and grab a bowl while Walker pre-heats the oven. "Hey, can you grab me the eggs?" You were cutting open the bag of brownie mix when Walker got quiet. Concerningly quiet.

"Hey do you have the eggs-" You were mid turn when an eggs was smacked into your head. "Ow! What the hell?" Your hands immediately fly to your head, forgetting you had a knife in your hands as well. The point of the blade grazes you forehead, leaving a decently sized gash on your forehead.

"Shit! Y/n I'm so sorry. Are you okay?" He rushes towards you quickly but you back away. If he got that close to you you're afraid your blood might not be the only red thing on your face.

"No, I'm fine it's just a scratch." You try to navigate yourself to the sink but lose your footing, bumping your hip into the counter. "Oh! Okay, owie..." You murmur.

"Okay, let's sit you down." Walker grabs you by the shoulders and guides you to the counter. You jumped up with a slight groan. By that time Walker is already at the sink with a wash cloth. He walks over to you and stand in between your legs, gently pressing the cloth to your forehead.

"I'm sorry." You frown, resting your head on his shoulder, making Walker pull his hand away.

"For what? What's going on with you?" You whine and bring your head up from his shoulder. He brings the cloth up to your head again, noticing your half lidded eyes and slow responses.

"I don't know. I'm super sleep deprived and I have a crush on you and so I don't know how to act normal right now." You spew your sentence out quickly and close your eyes, sighing softly as the small relief of the cold cloth soothes your cut.

Walker's expression can only be described as completely flustered. His face and ears were tinted red and his hand was slowly retracting from your face. You give him a confused look when his hand is completely away.

"Hm? What happened?" You question him. You think for a moment when it dawns on you what you had just admitted. "I- I said that out loud?" You stuttered out. Walker nods with a red face and the back of his hand hiding his smile. It's your turn to turn red and hide your face in your hands. Walker laughs and pulls your hands away from your face.

"Why are you hiding?"

"Because I have no idea what I'm talking about anymore and I just keep saying whatever my mind can think of." You look at Walker who gives you a soft smile. "I didn't want to tell you incase it would weird you out." Walker frowns and takes hold of your hands that laid in your lap picking at your finger nails. He messes with your fingers himself, not breaking eye contact.

"I'm not weirded out." You looked down. "Would you be weirded out if I did something?" He squeezed your hand.

"Did what?" He took his free hand and lifted your chin smoothly, placing a small kiss on your lips. Your eyes widen in surprise as he pulls away. "Oh."

"Bad 'oh, or good 'oh'?" He questions. You smile and place a hand on the nape of his neck, pulling him in again for a longer kiss. You can feel his lips turn up into a smile before he pulls away.

"A good 'oh'. Definitely good." Walker moves both hands to your waist, moving you closer on the counter to pull you into a hug. His face is nestled into your neck, yours on his shoulder.

"Good." He whispered.

First one shot, how we feeling? Not my first time posting my writing but one shots aren't my strong suit but I have written them before. But anyways let me know how it was!

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