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• Instead of texting, you always call Walker to talk to him. He doesn't understand your obsession. •

[Walker POV]

How do you tell some you love to leave you alone without sounding like a jerk? Answer, you can't. Therein lies my dilemma. Trust me, I love my partner, but I don't love it when my phone is constantly ringing while I'm at work. And I know mean well, but I do have a job to do. At least once in between scenes Y/n is calling me, asking how I'm doing, what I'm doing, how work is going.

But that's entirely why I can't tell them to stop. I know they're just in the routine we built up while I was still in Pennsylvania. It never once bothered me until I started filming again for Percy Jackson. I used to have so much more free time, and I love sitting on call for hours with them just talking. But I don't have that kind of time anymore. Which is why I've been ignoring their calls, which I'm not exactly proud of, but I didn't feel I had much of a choice.

Now I just leave my phone in my trailer during filming, and turn on do not disturb during my breaks. I've now officially gone two weeks without a single call from Y/ n. I receive a text here and there asking how my day was going. I honestly thought I had fixed things. Now I just couldn't wait to go home and see them. We finished filming a week ago, so now the whole cast has just been trying to spend as much time as possible together before we all go home.

But now I'm waiting at the airport to board my flight. I open my phone and pull up Y/n's contact. I expected at least a text from them, but my notifications were oddly dry. I called them but it went straight to voicemail. Weird. I shot Y/n a text before a voice over the intercom announced that our flight was ready for boarding.

Hey we're boarding soon
Call me if you can❤


I turn my phone on airplane mode before turning it off and shoving it in my pocket.


I stretch my arm above my head after making it off my plane and to baggage claim. I pull out my phone while my dad collects our suitcases. I turn off airplane mode and open my texts with Y/n. Still left on read? Maybe they're busy? But I did just get home after being gone for nearly 6 months. Are they ignoring me?

No, that's stupid. Get a grip Walker.

"Walker." I look up at my dad who is holding out the handle of my suitcase to me.

"Oh. Sorry." I put my phone back into my pocket and grab the handle from him. I roll the suitcase around to my side to roll behind me as we walk.

"Y/n still hasn't gotten back to you?" I shake my head. He sighs and pats my shoulder softly. "You can try calling them in the car. C'mon, your mom is waiting for us." He urges me to walk faster as we near the exit of the airport.

"Yeah okay." As soon as we have everything stowed away in the trunk and are finally on the road I immediately pull out my phone and call Y/n. It rings twice before going to their voicemail. They declined it? What is happening?


After getting home that night I instantly crashed on the couch. A good 10 hour flight will do that to you I guess. I felt like shit after I woke up though. I sat up and felt around on the couch for my phone. I found it wedged in between some cushions and pulled it out, clicking the power button but getting nothing. Great, dead. I ran upstairs to my room and quickly plugged it in.

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