Part - 3

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Jungkook: "Well, you see, um, y-you can stay at my house for now."

Taehyung : "WHAT?! Really??!! Can I come? "

Jungkook : " Of course , You can come but you need to inform your Soobin hyung"

Taehyung : "As I said , I don't want to bother Soobin Hyung ,If dad finds out this , Soobin hyung will get into trouble too, which is because of me"

Jungkook : "Oh, then it's fine I guess. My house is nearby only , we can walk there"

Taehyung and Jungkook both started walking to Jungkook's house. Taehyung asked , "Will your parents allow me to come inside your house?". Jungkook replied , "My parents are not at home, they are in busan."

Taehyung: "You live in the house all alone?"

Jungkook : "I live in an apartment"

While walking Taehyung got a call , he answered.

Taehyung : "Yes hyung?"


Taehyung : "I won't say it , if dad finds you are helping me , he will scold you too"

Soobin : "There is no way dad will find it"

Jungkook immediately grabbed Taehyung's phone and said, "Soobin , Taehyung is with me . I saw him sitting in park alone , he then explained me what happened , So I am taking him to my house."

Soobin: "Really? Thank you Jungkook , I will talk to my dad about bringing back Taehyung as soon as possible. Just let him sleep at your place for some days.".

Jungkook : "Okay hyung." with that the phone call ended.

Taehyung: "What did he say?"

Jungkook : "He said he will speak to dad about you being back to home."

They both walked to jungkook's house. There was complete silent on their way to the house. Jungkook opened the door and let taehyung in, and locked the door.

His room is quite small though, but enough for 2 people to live.

Jungkook : "Make yourself at home. "

Taehyung : "How? by sitting in the oven? NO WAY! "

Jungkook : "That's not what I meant ."

Taehyung : "I know, just kidding.🤣"

Taehyung noticed a picture on the wall of jungkook with someone. He asked who is that.

Jungkook : "Oh that?, His/her name is Y/N, he/she is my old school friend."

Jungkook : " Well, what do you like to eat?"

Taehyung : "Anything."

Jungkook : "Noodles?"

Taehyung : "I'm fine with anything."

Jungkook : " Okay, I'm ordering noodles then."

They both sat on the sofa, and started using their phone. After some time Jungkook said to Taehyung , "I'm going to take a bath. You can take a bath after I did. Y-you can wear my clothes."

Jungkook left his phone on the sofa itself. After about 2 minutes, Jungkook's phone started to buzz. Taehyung thought for a minute about picking up the phone. He tried to see the name, but it was written in some other language. He attended the call.

On call :

????? : "Jungkook?"

Taehyung : "Jungkook is bathing."

The Handsome man.🥵🥵🥵 HARD STANS ONLY🥵| Taekook ff | 18+🥵🥵 |Where stories live. Discover now