Evan's time with Wendy 3

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Wendy was putting on her sweatbands on her forehead and wrists, then made a protein drink and left her house, she saw Evan sitting on a chat sleeping peacefully

Wendy approached him and gently tapped his shoulder, he wakes up and looks up to see Wendy standing

Evan: *yawn* oh hey Wendy

Wendy: good morning Evan, why are you sleeping outside?

Evan: oh im going to the gym later at 3 PM

Wendy: uh *shows watch* it's 3:23 Evan

Evan: oh, well i should be going now, oh hey wait!, wanna join me Wendy?

Wendy: sure, im already wearing my sweatbands on, and this protein drink

Evan: im just going to grab some spare clothes kay?

Evan went inside the house and entered his room, he then grabbed his backpack and some clothes 'where ya off to Evan?' it was Eren's voice that he heard in his head "just going to the gym with Wendy"

In the Dreamworld

When Evan told Eren about him going to the gym, with Wendy along he had an idea and smirks "hey Evan, can i go instead of you?"

In the real world

Eren then asked if he could go to the gym instead, and Evan thought for a moment and shrugs his shoulders "sure, but don't break anything at the gym okay?" Evan told Eren "yeah sure"

They then swapped and Eren was now on the wheel with his red eyes out, he grabs his backpack and left the front door, Wendy was waiting outside in her car and Eren hopped in the front

Then they drove out the Cul-de-sac, Eren then turned on the radio, the radio were saying something about a song that's good and it was made by someone named JVKE, it started playing

The made Wendy blush slightly and she looked at Eren, he has his hand on his face leaned against the door and just vibing with the song, the lyrics of the song was almost identical

To where they at, in a car, driving to their destination, and she's in love with him, Wendy smiles and feels really happy and continues listening to the radio

Soon they arrived at the gym and Wendy turned off the car engine, they got out the car and went inside the building, inside they went to the locker room for men, and women separately

Eren takes of his hoodie and placed it inside the locker and left the room, he went to do bench press first, while Wendy did weight lifting

Soon they were on the treadmill running, Wendy was partly running fast but she was getting a bit tired, doesn't go the same for Eren though, he was sprinting and he was fast too

Then the treadmill slowly stopped and told Eren to rest and he did, Wendy stopped hers and they drank a lot of water (stay hydrated) Eren looks at the sauna room and smirks

(Eren)Evan: hey Wendy!, wanna go in the sauna room?

Wendy: o-oh!, well if you insist so heh..

(Eren)Evan: don't worry, we're just going to get our selves relax kay?

Wendy: right, okay let's go

(Eren)Evan: you go on ahead, im just going to the locker room to get something

Wendy: okay, im just going to prep it

Evan entered the locker room and removed all of his clothes, then he grabs two towels and wraps his lower part, then he entered the sauna room and gsve the extra towel to Wendy

She puts it around her head, Evan grabs the ladle with water and pours in on the burning stones, the room gets a bit warmer, Wendy then looked at Eren and saw his body with his 6-pack in full view, he was covered in sweat and moisture

Wendy blushes and tries looking away from his body, Eren smirks and stands up and approaches her, she looked back but this time Eren was infront of her now, this made her blush and Eren placed his hand on the wall, pinning her to the wall

Wendy: u-uh.. E-Evan?, w-w-what are you doing?

(Eren)Evan: *grins* nothing much, just here to see something heheh

Wendy: o-oh!, well i-i don't really have much to show-

(Eren)Evan: *grabs her paw* you sure?

Wendy: *blushes* y-yes

(Eren)Evan: heh.. well what's this then?. Eren then pulled himself closer, and closer to Wendy's face, then he kissed her cheek and backs off, this caused her to blush more

Wendy: *face blushing* w-wa...

(Eren)Evan: heh, just going to put on my clothes now, bye Wendy

Wendy: *placed paw on cheek* he.. he kissed me!!

(Eren)Evan: 'hahahahahaha!' now time to get back



Calypso: ★★☆☆☆

Wendy: ★★★☆☆

Doreen: ★☆☆☆☆

Sam: ★★★☆☆

Mono: ★☆☆☆☆

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