Chapter 12 - If Your To Big To Follow Rivers

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“I want Zaynie,” Niall mumbled, “Now,”

            “Niall,” Liam sighed, grabbing a plate of food and setting it in front of the small blonde boy, “I’m sorry, okay? Just eat your dinner and then maybe we can watch a movie or go to the park,”

            “No!” Niall pouted, “Not without Zaynie,”

            “Oh, c’mon, love, please?” Liam asked, “Just eat. You love these chicken fingers, I know you do. You ate a whole plate of them yesterday,”

            “Zayn,” Niall continued to pout.

            Liam bit his lip, not really knowing what to do. Niall had been refusing to do everything lately, acting like a small child. He wouldn’t do anything unless he could talk to Zayn. So, Liam finally gave in, walking out of the room to grab the phone, and called the Tomlinson’s house. It rang a few times, but finally….

            “Hello?” A new voice answered the phone.

            “Uh, hi, this is Liam Payne. I was calling to see if Zayn had a moment to talk to Niall,” Liam said, looking to the bouncing boy on the couch, staring up at him with bright blue eyes, shining with excitement.

            “Sure,” The voice said, “This is Louis, by the way. I’m Jay’s son,”

            “Oh,” Liam smiled, “It’s nice to meet you, Louis,”

            He chuckled, “You too. Alright, here’s Zayn,”

            Liam handed Niall the phone and smiled when the young boy placed it above his ear.

            “Niall, darling, you have to put the phone by your ear and by your mouth so that you can hear Zayn and he can hear you, okay?” Liam asked.

            Niall nodded and bit his lip in focus as he placed the phone on his ear.

            “Zayn?” Niall asked.

            “Hey, charming, it’s me,” Zayn said, in all honesty a little bit choked up. He really missed Niall, like, really missed him. And he would never understand that Niall missed him the same.

            “I went outside on my own,” Niall giggled, “Liam didn’t like it,”

            “What! Let me talk to Liam!” Zayn screamed in panic. What if his brother was hurt because Liam was a incapable caretaker?

            “No, no, Zaynie, it’s okay,” Niall said, hoping that Zayn wasn’t mad at him, “Liam got me before the car did,”

            Now Zayn was panicking, “Niall Horan, you put Liam on the phone right now, do you hear me?”

Louder Than Lions│Ziall Horalik AU *Trilogy*Where stories live. Discover now