Chapter 24 - And We Can Learn To Love Again

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Part 1


          After hearing of the news about Ms. Edwards, Zayn was astatic, but it lasted shortly when his eyes wondered up the stairs were Niall’s blond hair poked around the corner to see what all the ruckus was about.

          As soon as Zayn laid eyes on him, the messy haired boy bolted away, Zayn already heading up the stairs as fast as he could. "Niall!" He yelled, trying to reach the door before it closed. "Baby please!"

          But sadly, the door slammed shut before he could even get close.

          Zayn sighed with defeat, sinking down to the floor. Today would be the day he performed for Niall; and he was more then on edge, he was shifting himself. What if Niall rejected him? What if he still wanted nothing to do with his older brother?

          "Charming?" Zayn pressed his forehead to the door, knocking quietly. "Niall isn’t here." He grumbled back, making a beeping sound like an answering machine. "Okay well, when Niall gets this message, just know that it’s his boyfriend and he wants his prince Charming to come to the art room at 4:00 O’clock." With that, Zayn stood up, walking from the door.

          He then slacked back down the stairs, everyone giving him pitiful looks. "Don’t worry mate, today’s the big day! My mum is coming over too, along with my sister. Should be fun?" Harry said, patting Zayn’s shoulder but the boy only shrugged, walking back to the Art room

          Later, Louis and Harry came in to set up the chairs for everyone to sit in and clean up a little.

          And Zayn had to admit, it looked like a proper gig. "It looks great sweetie." Jays voice came from the doorway, holding a tray of Iced tea for the little workers. "Mum?" Zayn asked, biting his lip. "Yeah?" She handed him his drink and he took a sip, looking back at her. "Do you think he'll forgive me?" The Pakistani boy choked out, letting a tear trickle down his cheek. "I know he will. It’s Niall! How couldn’t he...He loves you." She smiled, wrapping Zayn in a hug.

          "Harry, Louis, why don’t you take Zayn to get dressed. I'll try to get Niall into a bath, clean him up a bit. He hasn’t cleaned himself in a while, I'm sure he could use it." She laughed, exiting the room.

          "C'mon, Zee. It’s almost show time mate!" Louis grabbed Zayn’s arm, dragging hi up the steps and into Louis large room were the blue eyed boy rushed to the closet, extracting random clothes.

          The three boys scanned through them all, choosing matching colored outfits of course. Zayn in an all-black sweater, complete with tan Chinos. Harry was in A black blazer, with a white undershirt and Matching pants. And Louis...Louis was in a black striped shirt with a pair of White Skinnies, and a pair of TOMS, without socks of course.

          "Wait!" Louis halted everyone in the room, running over to his dresser were he pulled out a black box. "What is that?" Zayn asked nervously, approaching his step brother. "When I was like 12, I got my ears perused but they never stayed and I still have the gun..." He smirked.

Louder Than Lions│Ziall Horalik AU *Trilogy*Where stories live. Discover now