I hate you

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"I lost. I lost everything. It's all over. My life is over." I thought to myself as I curled up in the covers. What did I do to deserve such a fate?
"Charlie~~" Whispered a familiar voice.
"Who's there?" I asked, peeking into the darkness.
"Don't you recognise me, child?" The voice laughed sarcastically.
"M-mom?!" I exclaimed in astonishment at seeing her pale white figure.

The Queen of Hell was standing before me. Her posture was straight and tall, her golden, wavy hair was dripping down to the floor, her eyes were staring deep into my soul. I saw life in them, but something wasn't right. They were telling me pure, white, little lies, I could tell. I am her daughter after all...

"Oh, sweetheart, I'm so happy to see you!" She said, smiling at me. I've never seen her so happy before. It's strange.
"Mom, I can't believe it's really you!" I said, brushing my tears away as I quickly got out of bed to greet her.
"I missed you too, my little princess." Lilith said, kissing me on the forehead.
"Where were you these past 7 years, mom?" I asked impatiently.
A chill went down Lilith's spine. She didn't want Charlie to find out the truth. If she finds out about her whereabouts, her plans will be ruined.
"Oh, you know me, sweetie! Been travelling a lot!" Lilith laughed uncomfortably.
"Oh, I see..." Charlie bit her lip, sensing she might be lying.
"What's wrong, Charlotte?" Her mother asked, placing a hand on her shoulder.
"I... I don't know what to do anymore, mom!" Charlie confessed, bursting out in tears. "I-I made... I made a deal with Alastor! And now he owns my life!! Everything is over! My dreams are..."
"Don't worry, dear. I know." Lilith said it with a sad smile.
"You do?! But how!!? I never told you anything."
"Let's just say we've already met before."
"Maybe you know a way I could break this deal?" I asked hopefully.
"No, I'm sorry, Charlie." Lilith shook her head.

Suddenly, Alastor appeared out of the shadows in front of Charlie. Making her shudder in fear. Tension filled the room.

"What a surprise!" Alastor joyfully said, winking at Lilith while fixing his bow tie. "Am I the only one who hasn't received an invitation to this particular meeting?" Asked Alastor, glancing at Charlie.
"Alastor, she's my mother." I replied, crossing my arms. "I don't need your permission to see her."
"Oh, but you do, my dear," he chukkled. "Because you're my fiancée, Charlie." He smiled more widely.
"Charlotte, what is he talking about?" Lilith asked, glaring at him with pure hatred in her eyes.
"M-mom..." I cried, trying to reach my hand out to her.
"I thought I raised you better than this, Charlotte. Don't try to contact me again. My daughter is dead to me." She said, turning her back on her own daughter.
"No!" Charlie ran after her, but Alastor grabbed her wrist.

"Charlie, my dear." He chuckled. "Where do you think you're going?"
"Let me go, Alastor!" I fought back, trying my hardest to escape his tight grip.
"If you scream, no one will ever hear you, my dear. Don't try to play smart, because I will always be one step ahead of you." Alastor whispered in my ear.
"Oh, fuck you, Alastor! You already took everything away from me! What else do you want?!"
"You... I want you to be mine, Charlie." Alastor said it with a smirk on his face.
"You make me sick! I wish I had never met you! I hate you!!!" I yelled, pushing him away.
"C-Charlie... You don't mean that, do you..?"
"Maybe I do!" I cried.
"Fine. Be that way! We're getting married, weather you like it or not!!"

Charlie looked at him with pure devastation in her eyes. She hated to admit it to herself, but the monster from her nightmares was real after all. Alastor slammed the door behind him, making her shiver in fear. She was all alone in this cruel world. No one was by her side. Firstly, her girlfriend Vaggie broke up with her; later, her father cut her out of his life; and now she even lost the person she loves most—her mother. Charlie fell to the floor. Crying was the only thing she was good at. What's the point of living if it only causes you pain and suffering?

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