Prologue: When this message reaches you...

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We finally finished up in Belobog and went back to the Astral Express. We'd saved Jarilo-VI. Now it was up to them to undo the harsh effects the Stellaron had on them.

???: Welcome home, you three.

???: Himeko, Mr Yang! Team Trailblaze, back from duty! Mission one is accomplished!

Himeko: Haha, although Welt and I didn't get the chance to go with you, I can tell you worked hard to bring things back to normal. Well done you three, and especially you, Stelle. I heard a lot of amazing things about you.

Stelle: (Himeko praising me? Guess I really did do a good job huh?) How would you rate my performance?

Himeko: I'd say it's a solid five stars!

Welt: Get some rest on the Express. Jarilo-VI was not an easy ride for you all. Pom-pom is of the opinion that we should leave as soon as possible to avoid potential resurgences of the anomalies we experienced earlier. Himeko and I agree.

???: Which means we need to decide where our next destination is...and soon.

Welt: That's right, Dan Heng.

???: That's the path of the Nameless, I presume? Always on the road, always trailblazing...

Stelle: March...

March: I-I'm not complaining or anything! One adventure after another is exactly what I signed up for!

Himeko: Mhm~ looks like March has fallen in love with the way of the Nameless, that's good to hear! You three can head back to your rooms if you'd like. Or make a cup of coffee if that's what you'd prefer!

Dan Heng: I'll head back to my room then.

Dan Heng without even batting an eye to anyone else, walks off to his room.

Stelle: Wow, not even a goodbye...?

March: Sigh...there I was thinking he'd gradually open up to us...

Himeko: You just need to give him some time, March. I'm sure he treasures the time spent with you all.

Stelle: It's true he did look out for us a couple times...

March: Yeah, I guess so...but still!

Himeko: Oh by the way, Stelle, about your battle with the Supreme Guardian and the whole Stellaron situation, you must have a lot of unanswered questions, correct?

Stelle: Hm? Oh, right. Yeah actually.

Himeko: Well, whilst you were away, Welt and I conducted some research and came to some interesting conclusions! Let me know if you want to ask about anything.

Stelle: I see, thank you, Himeko. I'll ask you later! Oh, and Mr Yang too of course.

Welt: You are quite welcome, Stelle. After all, you're no ordinary person.

Stelle: Ahaha...

It's true. After all, I've got a Stellaron inside of me.

March: Mmm~! Alright that's enough serious talk! Stelle, wanna print out all the photos we took together!?

Stelle: Hm? Oh uh...sure.

March smiles and drags me over to her room.

March: First up, I just gotta connect my camera to the computer, then they should all appear! Although I'm not that good with computers...

Stelle: Should I go ask for help? I'm sure Dan Heng would be able to help out.

March: No, it's ok! I've done this stuff before, I'm just kinda slow is all, hehe~

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