' Freedom Is In Sight. '

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Still Alive:






 Eren held back a gasp as he was led by Levi to a closed-off room where he assumed the zombies were being held.

Levi opened the door to let Eren inside, followed him in, then closed the door behind them. Eren suppressed a snort of laughter. The mindless creatures were chained to the wall, growling and spitting and writhing, but muzzled to avoid harming anyone.

Eren wondered where Levi, Hange, and Erwin had even gotten the human muzzles (that were more like gags than anything, which gave Eren even more questions), and furthermore how the hell they'd gotten them on the zombies.

"Go ahead and run your test," Levi encouraged, sitting in a chair near the door. He crossed his arms and legs, his sharp gray eyes flicking between Eren and the infected creatures chained to the wall.

Eren nodded, letting out a small sigh as he unpacked the small pouch he was carrying. Inside the pouch was a syringe filled with the substance Eren had been planning to test for a while, and a small vial of the dull purple liquid.

Eren took out the syringe and grabbed one zombie's arm. The creature writhed and growled; the only thing that made Eren flinch slightly was how dry yet squishy the arm felt, as though there were no bones, or if the bones were completely melted. But he was not about to just shriek and pull away, even though that's what his inner child was telling him to do.

He lifted the syringe to the zombie's arm and was about to inject it when he caught a glance at the zombie's face. Even though it was a zombie, it still retained some human features, like the fear that they all seemed to feel now, and the dull helplessness that seemed to have its hold on all of them.

Eren didn't miss the flash of pain in the creature's eyes when he injected its arm. As the serum infected its blood, the clouds in the zombie's eyes faded. Levi leaned forward, watching intently as the serum took over.

Within minutes, the zombie was human again. The clouds in its eyes were gone, and the black veins disappeared under no longer pale skin. Levi and Eren blinked, shocked. "I... didn't think that would work," Levi admitted. Eren swallowed. "I had my doubts. But maybe it really does work. I want to test it a few more times."

Levi sat back, watching carefully as Eren injected four more zombies. The first three turned back with minimal issue. The last one, though, seemed to be struggling.

After a few more moments of the zombie struggling, Eren let out a sigh. Nothing was changing. "He's too far gone," Eren muttered. He picked up his gun and shot the creature, putting it out of its misery.

Levi got to his feet. "Well, that settles it. The serum works so long as they still retain some level of their humanity."

Eren nodded. "I think that's it. What about Ymir, and Commander Erwin?" he asked, looking at Levi. "Do you think they can still be saved?"

"I think so. They're still mostly human, so it should work," Levi responded calmly. Eren nodded once. "Okay, then. I guess we can try it."

Eren unchained the cured humans, then packed his bag and headed out behind Levi, who, for once, seemed excited. Not by any face he was making, but from the way he was walking faster than he usually would.

Erwin met them in the main room. "What happened?" he asked the moment he saw them. "It works," Levi replied at once. "So long as a zombie still retains any of their humanity, they can be saved."

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