🎟️❤️📚 Hypertana

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edit:idrk if this is Angst...


Hyperlaser walked amongst the snow, dragging his gun behind him, while holding onto his side at the same time. He had been injured while on a mission. And he had nowhere to go. Who could he contact... Subspace? Nah, probably busy with experiments.. Who else.... Hyperlaser didn't know many people, or atleast didnt have that close of friends... He carefully sat down, on the snow, resting his gun next to himself, and took his phone out. He scrolled throughout the contacts.. Katana! Of course, why hadn't he thought of calling his boyfriend? Sometimes he thought he was the dumb one, not his victims.

He clicked on the contact, and dialed. He waited, impatiently.

"Greetings. You dont call often. Everything alright?" Katana's voice, although gentle and warm, was hiding a bit of concern.

"Katana.. Um.. Tough situation.. Could you come get me from *insert place near a forest in blackrock name*.. As soon as possible... Please..?" Hyperlaser's voice was quiet.

"... I'll get there as soon as possible." Katana said, before hanging up.

Hyperlaser took a few deep breaths, pulled himself and his gun up, and dragged himself as near to that's mentioned place as he could. He managed to get there, and rested on a very old bench.

After 5 minutes, he saw a car approaching. Please Illumina let it be- He couldn't even finish his thought before he saw Katana sprint out of the car and to Hyperlaser.

"Dear heavens, You're bleeding. Quite... Alot." He stared at the trail of blood Hyperlaser had left whole dragging himself through the forest. "Why didn't you tell me it was this bad?" Katana helped Hyperlaser get into his car. Soon enough, the two rode off.

"Just.. A bit scratched.." Hyperlaser wheezed. (no the laughing kind of wheeze obviously)

"Just a bit scratched?" Katana had a concerned tone as he drove back to Thieves Den. "This is worse than the last time you and Subspace got into an argument." He sighed.

The rest of the trip was quiet. Katana helped Hyperlaser into the house, where Vinestaff screeched at the sight of a bloodied up Hyperlaser and Katana (stains).

Hyperlasers gun is in the trunk of the car, still, lmao.

Katana placed Hyperlaser onto one of the old beds they kept in the downstairs room and helped him take his coat off, then his shirt, leaving him with the plain white undershirt which was stained with blood. He had to take it off as well, leaving Hyperlaser topless and slightly uncomfortable, but he knew it had to be done to be able to tend to his injuries.

Vinestaff helped heal him a bit, but the bleeding didn't stop all the way. Katana gently wrapped bandages around his boyfriends torso, covering the wounds. Every move of his was gentle.

He helped Hyperlaser put on a plain white t-shirt, Katana's old one (which even tho there ain't much of a size difference between the two, was unironically oversized for Hyperlaser)

Hyperlaser was carried, bridal style, by Katana, to his room (Katanas room).

The two cuddled in bed, Katana taking his mask off, and letting out a sigh. "How do you always end up in the worst situations.." With a gentle movement, he tapped onto the side of Hyperlaser's helmet, clicking a button, which made the visor lift up, almost like a motorbiker helmet. He kissed his boyfriend, and smiler warmly, before pulling the visor back in place. He knew that without his helmet Hyperlaser couldn't see. But it didnt hurt to give him a kiss or two, would it?

"I'll just take it off as a whole." Hyperlaser muttered, taking off his helmet, and handing it to Katana, who put it on the nightstand, besides his mask.

"I love you." Katana nuzzled Hyperlaser gently.

"I love you too." Hyperlaser snuggled closer.

The two fell asleep in eachothers arms, at 9 pm (old ahh men). Vinestaff wanted to check on Hyperlasers injuries, but upon the heart warming scene, she couldn't help but let out. quiet "awwhh". Absolutely adorable.

Also she took a pic of that moment because it was too cute

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