Defining the impossible.

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Romanoff shook her head and laughed, so hollow you could almost hear it echo. It wasn't possible. She couldn't have kids, no one without a uterus could. For Maria to suggest such a thing was laughable to say the least.

"She might look like me but it's impossible, I can't have kids." She answered.

The girl tried to sit up but to no avail. She was alone in that small room, chained to a metal table. The sight making Natasha feel sick.

A female voice punctured the silence from a speaker in the ceiling. "Miss if you'll cooperate we'll unlock your cuffs."

The girl didn't answer, she didn't even react.

The woman repeated her sentence but again, the girl didn't react. Fury banged on the window, making it give out a pained sound but still no reaction which alarmed Natasha.

"Maybe she doesn't know English?" Tony suggested, turning to his teammates.

"Miss," The voice said again. "We just want to help."

No reaction.

An idea made Natasha look back at the girl. "Try Russian."

Agent Hill walked away and moments later a robotic voice rang through the speakers.

"Vy budete sotrudnichat'?" (Will you cooperate?).

No reaction.

"I have an idea." Clint said, looking at Fury, the question already in his eyes. Natasha had a feeling of what he was about to ask.

"Fine you can say it through the speakers," He nodded but Clint just shook his head.

"No I need to go in there." Barton said, gesturing to the room. That caught Natasha off guard.

"No she's too dangerous," their boss said, shaking his head. "She threw one of my agents across a room a few hours ago."

"If I'm right I might be able to get through to her." Clint said, turning to the girl.


The archer exited the room and appeared moments later in the smaller room behind the window. Natasha watched as her best friend opened the thick steel door and stepped inside the cell. The girl didn't notice him until he flicked the light switch off and on. Then she snapped her head in his direction, her green eyes dark and cold like the Aokigahara forest. A chill ran down Natasha's spine. They watched as Barton walked over to the girl. He pointed at her and then proceeded to point to his right ear and then to his mouth. To everyone's surprise she nodded.

"Let one hand go," Barton turned to the window that he couldn't see through.

Fury sighed before nodding to Hill. They all watched as the girls right handcuff snapped open. Slowly, she raised her arm and Natasha instantly noticed the thick scar that snaked around her wrist. The girl pointed to Clint and then to her ear and lastly to her mouth while raising her eyebrows. Clint tapped his pointer and middle finger into his thumb. Then he proceeded to move his two fingers down, up and down again as he moved them to the right. Clint did some other signs with his hands before nodding and walking out again, leaving her.

"What did you do?" Fury asked, surprise evident in his voice.

"She's deaf, that's why she didn't react" Clint explained, gesturing to the smaller redhead. The woman swallowed, a hand running through her hair. The Red Room wouldn't have wanted a deaf widow, so why did they keep her?

Barton watched as the other people in the room took in what he just discovered. "Her hearing aids were destroyed when she was caught, hence the wounds in her ears."

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