General Store - Rafe Cameron (Smut)

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words: 1.5k

warnings: 18+ only!, p in v sex, protected sex (for once! yaaay!), spanking (briefly), semi public sex, pogue!reader, reader is described as being 20, readers parents are dead, rafe being a playboy, hurricane aftermath

"dad, im not helping out at some fucking pogue shop!" rafe argues, yet his footsteps still follow ward towards the garage.

"everyone is doing their part, rafe." ward sighs. "even wheezie is volunteering after the hurricane. come on, now."

wards tone silences rafe. it's the tone he uses when there's no way rafe is getting out of something. rafe gets into the passenger seat, grumbling to himself until his dad rounds the car.

"and you're going to be nice. it's a bad fucking look for our family not to go to the cut and assist." rafe knows ward doesn't actually give a shit about helping anyone. it's all about their reputation, the camerons have to be the stewards of the island, the aspirational story of pogue turned king kook.

"alright, ill be helpful. promise." rafe can put in one day of work. that's not what he minds. it's having to help pogues clean up their shit that's worthless to him.

"it's some general store. got pretty wrecked, but no structural damage." ward explains coldly, talking about the damage suffered like it's something on television, not real life people.

despite wards warning, rafe let's out a low curse when the car pulls to a stop. it's in the rough part of what little area they call downtown, and he can tell just through the single unboarded window that the shop is a disaster.

he gives his dad one last pleading look before getting out.

"oh hey there!" you smile as rafe enters, the bell above the door ringing. "you must be rafe, im y/n." you stick your hand out for him to shake. rafe does so slowly, eyes scanning over the shop before landing on you.

"how old are you?" rafe questions. he expected someone at least mid thirties.

"oh... im uh, 20. this is-was my parents store." rafe sees the pain flash through your eyes and decides not to question it any further.

"so, what's first?" the shelves are practically empty, with everything on the floor.

"the hurricane door burst open and swept everything off the shelves." you sigh, rubbing your hand over your forehead. you've clearly already been working, forehead slightly sheened with sweat, cheeks flushed. "im just focused on getting everything back on the shelves for now. throw out anything damaged but if it's food, we should try and salvage it."

"what for?" he questions. you clearly have plenty, and rafe can see that only a couple cans are broken.

"the ones who had more issues than just a door blown in." you state like it's obvious.

"shit, yeah." rafe nods. you turn back towards your store, beginning to clean as rafe does the same, reading the labels on the shelves and then trying to sift through the mess to put everything back.

you work silently, rafe occasionally looking over to you, his eyes roaming down your body whenever you're turned away.

"so you run this place?" he questions after a while, taking a sip of a water you brought out for him.

"run it, work it, live above it." you nod.

"that's a lot for someone whose barely out of their teens." rafe huffs out, barely out of his teens himself, only a few years older than you.

"some of us didn't have life handed to us on a golden platter." you spit out, before shaking your head. "im sorry. you're here helping, its just... hard."

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