Degrade - Rafe Cameron (Smut)

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"what do you think your dumbass friends would say if they saw you like this, huh? underneath me, taking my cock like the filthy slut that you are?" you whimpered, nails digging into rafe's skin as his hand came up to wrap around your neck. "so fuckin' pathetic, you just couldn't wait 'til they left you alone." he cupped your cheeks, forcing you to look up at him.

"but that's what you like, right? you run around causing all kinds of trouble, acting like you hate me but in reality you let me dig you out anytime i want. you're such a fucking whore." you couldn't help but choke back a sob, tears brimming your eyes at the way the head of his cock stroked your sweet spot. rafe had your chest rising and falling, making you gasp for a full breath before knocking it right out of you again.

his thrusts were merciless, his hips slamming into your own with a force that made you tremble and shake. despite being rough, rafe still kissed you gently, whispering an occasional, 'is my pretty girl okay?' before continuing his brutal ministrations. "fuck!" you cried out, back arching off of his sheets.

rafe would be lying if he said it didn't bother him when you acted like he was the worst person in the world while in the presence of your friends, the only way he could get you back for that was being mean to you during sex. "wanna act like i'm insufferable still? you should tell jj how you beg for it, 'bet he wouldn't believe you." rafe laughed, slapping your cheek hard enough to make your head turn in the opposite direction.

your mouth fell open in a silent moan, eyes rolling back as your fingers started working on your clit. rafe cursed at the sight, hooking your thigh around his waist. he knew he could take you deeper in this angle, both of you moaning when you felt the head of his cock kiss your cervix. "rafe, please. wanna cum." he shushed you, clamping a hand over your mouth.

"shut the fuck up. do you really think i'm gonna let you have your way?" he scoffed, "fuck no. i don't even let good girls get what they want." your eyes narrowed at the mention of other girls, your hands coming up to push at his chest. "aw, does that bother you? the idea of me fucking other girls like this pisses you off?" you bit the palm of his hand, sending his hand flying back as he glared down at you.

"fuck you." your chin wobbled, a gasp leaving your lips when he tugged on the roots of your hair. "fuck me?" rafe repeated, "i'm just messin' calm down." he leaned down, kissing you softly. "how would you like it if i told you something like that?" rafe shook his head, both of you moaning at a particular stroke of his hips. "i wouldn't believe you." he laughed at your irritated expression. "and why is that?" you shot back.

"cause i'll fucking kill anyone who touches you."

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