Scenario/chapter 1

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Y/n POV:

You couldn't believe that nobody noticed you.

You snuck quietly through the halls like a skilled cat.

However, it did annoy you that you circled the whole campus at least two times without any luck.

You were supposed to find the office where they stored the file you were supposed to steel and pass it on to someone called 'Abel' from a group Magia Lupus, who was supposed to pass it on to Lord Zero.

You could imagine what hell it will be finding the place you were scheduled to meet the Magia Lupus at.

You couldn't take it anymore, and just asked a passing student where's the room
He pointed you to the left hall and then the first door supposed to be the office. His office.
You're probably going to be late for classes — but who cares? This is more important.

When you reached the door, which looked nothing different from the others — it was locked.
You reached for your hairpin and quietly used your pick-locking skills that you learned while being on the streets. The door finally made the opening sound.

~" Don't creak, don't creak, I'm begging you"~ You begged deep inside your head the door.

Infiltration was successful.

The door didn't make a sound, and you made sure that the hall was empty when you broke in so that nobody saw you. The halls were mainly empty since most students were in class.

But little did you know what awaited you inside.

The sunlight from the window  blinded you, and before you knew something pink flashed before you and knocked you to the ground.
You let out a squeal as you fell.

The pink things were....rabbits.

You let out an "eeekkkk"
They were running around you, on you. One, two,four...eight — no nine rabbits.
You absolutely adored cute small animals such as rabbits, cats, foxes...

You petted one of them and another one you took on your hands, another few you cuddled with and let them run on you.

You would have stayed longer with them, if u wouldn't remind yourself why you're really here. The file.

You stood up in quick speed, trying to not look back at those cute pink faces.
You marched towards the desk. The desk was pretty messy; Unsorted, random papers and books were scattered around, there was a huge pile of papers lining up in the left corner—some blank, some filled in with this years students information.

How were you supposed to find it now?

The cabinet wasn't that big, middle sized. It had a big window, a desk next to the window, a pet house for the rabbits and some more accessories for them. It had small shelf filled with spell books, a cactus next to the entrance — and that's it.

You quickly started to rampage through the papers, but there were no files on the desk....


Of course he keeps student information hidden.
You started to open one by one, handily noticing what they were and who they belonged to. You had to steel the file with the name "Mash Burndead".

You beamed when you finally found it.

Before you had a chance to get a look at it, a chilly voice sent shivers all over your body.

Before you had a chance to get a look at it, a chilly voice sent shivers all over your body

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"What are you doing here?" A male voice asked from behind.

You turned around, dropping the file on the top of the desk.

Half blond half blacksmith hair, golden eyes, a careless bored face...You knew who this was, you saw his face a lot of times in the newspapers:

The divine visionary; Rayne Ames.

You were speechless.
~"Great, first day of school and I'm already in potential trouble" ~

You weren't sure what to say, you had the perfect explanation about being lost ready on the tip of your tongue but just couldn't say it out loud, since it was clear you broke in since you were next to the desk, a minute ago holding a file. You prepared many scenarios ready in your head, but meeting Rayne Ames wasn't one of them, you timed the time perfectly so he will be out.

"Let go of my rabbit" He said, standing up "or do you want to become one of them?"

You didn't even noticed that through out the search you were holding one of the rabbits. You doubted he would actually turn you into his rabbit. Since he and you are both in Alder, he wouldn't hurt you, would he?

He glared at you with a stare that clearly showed annoyance, as if he wanted to say;
"New kids, I swear...get out of here I'm already busy as it is, not along to be troubled by the problems of a child, however, why are you here, anyways?"

You had a feeling like he treated you lower than himself, as if you were smaller and were in need to be protected, and have somebody that will  slowly push you to the right direction. You hated that.

"I-I" your voice got stuck somewhere deep in your throat "I got lost, I'm so sorry for barging in" you explained.

He pierced you with his eyes and analysed from up and down.
If you were him you wouldn't believe anything you said.
Rayne sighed at last.

"Alright. But stay away from Usako, got it?

You guessed Usako must be the name of the rabbit you were holding.
You nodded your head in agreement.

"By any chance, do you know where the spell classroom is?" You decided to take your chance and ask the question, you were undoubtedly already late for at least twenty minutes. And Rayne had to know where it is, since he is a perfect and the divine visionary and all...and it will take a mind of the point that you were holding the file.

Suddenly he took out his wand and murmured a spell, before you knew you were standing in front of the teacher from spells. Rayne, the bunnies and his cabinet disappeared.

The whole classroom had their eyes on you.

Something  fidgeted in your arm grip.
You forgot to let go of the rabbit. It teleported with you. You kinda kidnapped Usako.

~"Rayne is so going to kill me"~

Divine Visionary ~ Rayne AmesWhere stories live. Discover now