Scenario/chapter 2

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O/c (name)and you got along pretty well for the past few days. You were just roommates, but after some time you became best friends. You saw Finn sometimes in class, but didn't really get a chance to talk since he was hanging out with some guy that had a weird mushroom haircut that you guessed was Mash Burndead, and some guy that had a lot of sister problems, which you thought was kinda cute also a red haired guy with an interesting explosion type of magic, and a blonde girl that seemed to crush on the mushroom head.

You didn't have a chance to talk to Rayne and give him back his bunny, so you kept it and took care of it. You wondered if Rayne Ames really cared about Usako, if yes why wouldn't he just come and take it?...maybe he had to many visionary duties...anyways, you even got a permission to take Usako to classes from the teachers — the bunny was just so cute!

You still  didn't understand why did he let you get away without being properly questioned and punished for breaking into his cabinet and acting suspicious.

And then that file...
You didn't have a chance to grab it after you dropped it. Rayne teleported you to fast.
You had to get it back, and it was already two weeks after your small meeting with Rayne, but you still have two weeks till your time ends for getting it, so it's chilled.

You did pretty well in classes but didn't get a single coin so far, but what could you say since you weren't really the fighting for coins type. And besides, you were allies with the Lang house, you weren't sure about the Orca house, nobody informed you about them. You're parents were doctors, that's why you specialised in healing magic and not really in duels. Ands besides, the other students except for the guys Finn was with, also didn't score much coins.


You started to hate Easton.
And at some point Magia Lupus.

You were searching for that damn stupid hidden entrance for  two hours.

You're so freakin late..

~ " Where the hell am I?.." ~ You thought. You weren't sure where you were, since you really weren't the best at orienting your self on campus.

You let out a sigh.
Thank god that nobody saw you — yet.

All that you got from the letter that they sent you by a carrier owl, was that you're supposed to go at the southern wing at one of the halls, then you'll see what next -- that was all before the letter burned away to ashes.

Like they didn't mention that there was at least 15 similar looking halls with ten or more pairs of doors in every single one!

You hopped that you won't get punished for being later, but it's not like it was your fault.

And then it shined in your eyes.

An almost un seeable door to the naked eye.

Is that where Magia Lupus wanted you to go to?...

You grinned.

~ "Interesting" ~

You walked towards it and said "disclose".

The doors opened.
You walked tentatively into a long illuminated with torches hall.

~ "that's new" ~


After wandering around a bit, finding nothing but bunch of corridors with torches you started to get mad and annoyed.  You were about to go back since you couldn't find anything.

~"Damn it"~

You turned on your feet and looked around, you're head spun form claustrophobic corridor. Everything in every direction looked the same to you.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 01 ⏰

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