Chapter 31

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The sound of an arrow hitting the cement fountain resonated around me, waking me from my stupor. My eyes moved over to my left arm, which had been sliced right below my elbow and trailed up to my wrist. Blood began dripping from the wound, decorating the cobblestone below.

"Ada!" Khol's violet eyes were wide with panic but hardened as he threw himself in front of me. I gripped my arm, clenching my teeth as it stung violently. The severe pain of it wasn't anything new to me, but it was still difficult to manage.

That's when I noticed a team of five people dressed head to toe in black - except for a deep green symbol that decorated the left side of their chests. I squinted in the dim light of the garden, trying to make it out. It seemed to be a tiger or jaguar of sorts, surrounded by thin pointed stars. Words were written around the edge of it, but I didn't have a chance to read them as the light of Khol's power illuminated in his hands.

Just who are these people? I'd never read about them in the novel.

"You idiot!" My head turned, shocked to hear the voice of a woman hissing out in the darkness. "I gave you clear instructions not to harm the girl." While the rest of her face was covered, I couldn't help but notice her eyes. The swirl of onyx and brass landed on me. Determination lingered in her eyes, coupled with a kind of rage that I hadn't seen before.

Why is she looking at me like that?

"Now commence Operation Crane," she commanded the group, who raised their weapons and stepped into fighting stances. "Go!"

But before any of them had a chance to act, Khol shot a beam of light at the man armed with a bow. The purple laser hit the guy's leg, effectively taking him down. The man screamed, which prompted another person, whose weapon of choice happened to be a set of daggers, to come barreling toward us. I stepped back as Khol shot another beam of light, hitting one of the daggers in the man's hand, and sending it flying through the air. The prince quickly reached to his side, revealing a dagger of his own.

In the dim light of the stars, I caught the glint of gold that decorated the handle along with the Igorian symbol welded onto it. A secret weapon that was perfect for a continuously targeted crown prince. He kept it well hidden because I would have never known he was carrying it had he not revealed it just now.

I watched in awe and horror as his blade collided with the man's own. They began slicing at each other, both skilled at wielding the small blades. The man swung at Khol's shoulder, and the prince moved away with ease. Then Khol swung back at his legs, but the man jumped back before the blade could touch him. Neither looked human as they moved so quickly, nearly faster than my eyes could keep up with.

I looked down at my bloodied arm with grim realization. This isn't an issue that I can deal with by myself. There isn't anything that I can do except watch and pray. Khol might be skilled, and he's supposed to win his fight against his father. But I can't help but feel nervous. None of this happened in the novel, so I can't step in or interfere with confidence. I'm weak. I can't fight or use a weapon. I don't have magic either... well, at least the kind that would be useful. But even if I did, it's not like I know how to use it right now.

If something happens, and Khol dies here, then... what am I going to do?

Khol suddenly ducked down, sliding along the ground. Then he used his foot to sweep the man's legs out from under him, sending the guy to the ground. Taking away the man's dagger, Khol used the handle on his weapon to hit the man in the temple, causing him to fall over and clutch his head in pain.

"Enough of this!" Khol spat right before a huge man ran towards him with a fist ready. As the man aimed his hand for Khol's head, the prince grabbed the man's underarm and flipped him over and onto the ground. Khol pressed his foot down on the back of the man's neck and looked up at the woman with a wide smile. "Your little battalion seems to be done too. So," Khol said and extended his arms out. "Let's end this now." His eyes met mine for a quick second, flashing with the notan light of his power, then turned back to the woman, their leader.

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