4: The Twins

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Sunday, December 28

Not only did Iori regain some more movement in his fingers and arm after today's physiotherapy session, but he could also stand up and walk for a bit longer with the therapists' help. His left leg doesn't quite fully obey his command just yet. Still, he's making good progress.

Well, according to Doctor Takanashi, he's making good progress. It doesn't mean the perfectionist in Iori believes it. He is once again frustrated with his helpless self.

Mitsuki knows by now to leave Iori alone to cool off for a few hours after each physiotherapy session. Cheering Iori up will upset the boy more, which will end up upsetting himself as well. This way, they can later sit together at a dinner table without being so stiff.

However, Iori doesn't seem to need as much alone time today. After about twenty minutes of shutting himself in his room, he returns to the cafe area with a phone on his lap and a frown on his face.

"What's with that scary look?" Mitsuki stops wiping the counter, turning his full attention to his little brother.

"I'm annoyed." Iori huffs. "I can't do half of the things I normally could and that guy says I'm amazing. How cruel can he be?"

"You mean Riku?" Mitsuki pulls up a chair to sit in front of Iori. "What's the story here?"

While Iori refuses to show Mitsuki his phone screen, he tells Mitsuki the details of their conversation. Their RabbitChat went like this:

Riku: What's Iori normally up to on Sundays? :D

Iori: I have physio. I just came back from that, actually. I'm about to study.

Riku: Study? Even though you're on break? :O

Iori: Just because I don't attend school in person doesn't mean I'll let myself fall behind.

Iori: I'm taking the university entrance exam in July next year, and I'm going to pass, so it doesn't matter if I return to school or not.

Riku: What's with that smug confidence?!

Riku: Guess that just shows how amazing Iori is.

"So that's what it is." Mitsuki nods in understanding. "I'm on Riku's side here. I think you are amazing now, just as you've always been."

"Nii-san?" Iori didn't expect that reply.

"Let me put it like this. Imagine Yamato-san has cancer."

"That's a horrible thing to wish for your friend," Iori says teasingly.

"I don't wish that, idiot!" Mitsuki shouts. "Anyway, say he has cancer and is not well half of the time, but he keeps his bar running normally. What do you think of him?"

"It's hard to imagine a man who always takes things easy like Nikaido-san working diligently when he's ill." Iori is as straightforward as ever. "But if he can manage that, then I'd be impressed by his effort."

"And the same applies to you." A smile curves onto Mitsuki's face. "When you compare your current self to your past self, of course, you're going to get frustrated." Standing up, he caringly pats Iori's head. "You might not be able to do everything you used to be able to do easily, but you are doing absolutely everything you can do now. I think that's impressive, Iori."

A light blush appears on the young boy's face. While he isn't fully convinced, he does feel a lot better.


Monday, December 29

"You're going to that cafe again?" Seeing as Riku is not joining him for breakfast, Tenn knows what his brother is up to right away.

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