Chapter One

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Third person point of view 

Potter Manor location unknown 

21st July 1972

It has been almost eleven years since Cassidy Lily Potter was reborn as Lucella Euphemia Potter. She was loving the fact she got an actual childhood with loving family members. Most of the time while James was at school she spent time in the library. "James if you mention miss Evans again I'm going to hex you until you cry." Lucella closed her book sick of hearing about this especially when she's starting hogwarts soon as well. "Right sorry" James wasn't afraid to admit the fact he was scared of his sister and his mother. "Now I'm going to Grimmauld Place 12 to meet up with Regulus as I did promise him I would. Don't worry I will tell Selene you said hello as well." Lucella got up from seat and put the book up. "You better also get your school supplies dear" Euphemia who was standing in the door way reminded her daughter. "I know mum" Lucella felt happy that she had people that cared about her fully. "I did talk to Lady Black she said you can stay there until your birthday darling" Euphemia added on. "I'm just glad they got their family issues sorted out and that you had everyone got to gringotts for blood tests" Fleamont Potter finally spoke up. 

"Well our Ella is a smart girl honey" Euphemia soon left the library with Fleamont since James already had left. "If only they knew." She muttered under her breath she had also gotten her father and Lord black to pass laws letting werewolves and other creatures to be treated as equal to them. She did it for moony after all. Hell selene was actually accepted still with being a gryffindor. This time her godmother wouldn't have to run away this time. She only has three more years before she can get the diary and destroy it then going after Voldemort but using poison to kill him so she can't get caught.

Thanatos had mentioned before that the people from her time line were going to be frozen in place for a bit, and that sooner or later after a few years in school he would have everyone watch how her life unfolds. She really missed her friends that she made in slytherin and her Godsiblings Neville Longbottom and Luna Lovegood. She was also scared of how people now would react to her being from the future but reincarnated. Especially with soulmate marks now. She was quite curious on who her soulmate was now she had until the 31st to wait. Why didn't this happen in her past life she had no idea. She walked out of the library to pack her trunk then flooing to Grimmauld Place 12. 

Grimmauld Place 12 Borough of Islington, London

Lucella stepped out of the floo fireplace and was greeted by Regulus who gave her a hug. She hugged him back before going to go say hello Lady and Lord Black. Afterwards Kreacher showed her to her room she's staying in for the time she was staying with them. Walburga and Orion Black are friendly this time as she spilled the news of the dark lord being a halfblood wanting other halfbloods or muggle born killed. That's when she told them muggleborns don't actually exist because of the sole fact once a squib is thrown out for not showing magic at all they go to the muggle world and have a family of their own it can take generations for magic to show back up. That's how their views changed. Selene and Regulus were impressed by this indeed. The only ones who knew she was reincarnated was Lady and Lord Black along with her parents.

She was reading in her room about different potions. She closed the book when she heard a knock on the door. "Come in" she placed the book on her nightstand. She saw Selene Black and Regulus Black walk in her room. "Ella!" Selene hugged her immediately. She hugged back happily. "Mum said tomorrow we are all going to get our school supplies your letter came here as well since Minnie figured you would be here at this time" Selene plopped down in a chair. "That isn't Lady like" Lucella joked with her. "Also my brother said hi" she added on to her sentence.

A/N:Short chapter I know.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04 ⏰

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