is this love?

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i held his arm as we walked down the hall my dress was slowly dragging behind me we make our way up to the door i inhale sharply waiting for the doors to open and the music to play. i close my eyes and hear the music start i open them to see every one stnding ing up waiting for me to move. i walk down gripping tighter to his hand as we got closer to the front. his vioce rang threw my ears.

"we can be together forever"

i couldnt stop playing his voice over and over i never got tired of it. Wait what am i saying i cant be thinking like this now, its too late for me to have these thoughts.... or is it?    YES it is now think forward Britney Maire think of your future with the man down the isle think happy thoughts. i walk further until i stop in front of him the one helping me walk down the isle takes a seat and the serimony begins. i look into his eyes thinking of my future his future OUR future together i start to inhance my breathing, thinking of only bad thoughts nothing was right the color of the dress, the hair, the veil, and and everything was wrong. me him us the place settings i couldnt stop every thing was blocking my happy thoughts my life was fading my past, presence, and future gone because of one mistake. or all of my mistakes i look up ito his eyes and my thought realese themselfs from my mind and im able to think clear happy thoughts. i hand the flowers to the girl behind me and intertwine my fingers with his. the preacher speeks but i cant hear what he says all i hear is say I DO.

"I Do" iwhisper 

the one i think i love is in front of me and is watching me as i change my emotions and thoughts but i couldnt help it there was too much pressurevand ever one was staring at me i couldnt stop my self from saying anything besides I Do. he leans in towards me i lean in half ways then stopped. io couldnt do this what was i thinking i was stupid i wasnt going on with this i hasd no choice.

"i have to go" i mumble then ran i stopped my self out side of the exit and drop down in tears what did i do why cant i think strait my mind fills with thoughts i couldnt handle. i hear the sound of foot steps increase behind and then i see a figure sit down infront of me i try and clear my head from my thoughts long enough to hear his voice.

"Britney why did you leave him there?" the voice asks

i mutter random words to my self i try to keep viod of eye contack i couldnt talk to any one i wasnt going to talk to any one. the figure wouldnt go away he wasnt going to leave with out an answer.

"you know he loves you why cant you go back and kiss him" his voice speeks up

i keep my head out and tryed to block out his voice but my thoughts where clear they just vanished. i couldnt control my self i couldnt even controll my own thoughts

"damn it britney tell me why you left him at the alter" he raises his voice but i keep my ground along with my head facing down

hthe figure fully aggitated raises my head to look him in the eye so there was no escaping this now he thought he had me but i ave one more trick.

"britney please tel me why you left Louis at the alter"he asks nicely this time

"because i dont love him"i murmer

"then who do you love?" the voice asks

"YOU"i scream

I never stopped loving you(sequel)Where stories live. Discover now