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A oneshot, Hyperlaser x Indifferent reader. This was requested by my bestie on Discord.

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Ever since you stepped foot inside of Blackrock, as far as being one of the infamous Blackrock scientist assistant, Subspace T. Mine. Hyperlaser has always become wary of you. Whether he was trying to observe you from afar, or whether you were standing right next to each other but not once spoken a word to each other or even look at each others direction. But something about you sparked some interest in him.

Hyperlaser noticed that whether you would never break that poker face of yours. He couldn't tell if it was just your resting face, a neutral face, or maybe even both. But this made him curious of you. You never once smiled whether you won in the phighting matches, felt frustration that you lost, or simply at anything.

This made him curious if you were to feel emotions at all. But of course that wasn't true at all. You weren't emotionless, you just lacked sympathy for others. You had no interests in others either, but Hyperlaser thought otherwise. Of course he wasn't able to tell by just your face alone. He needed to interact with you, but he wasn't sure of it.

"Subspace, is there any side missions left for me to do?" Y/N asked Subspace, who was busy building together another Biograft, like he has done for the past week or two. Who could really keep count nowadays when that's the only thing that passes time for him.

Subspace paused, he has already given you tasks for the day and he would have new ones tomorrow, perhaps Hyperlaser could have a partner for one day for his side mission. He stopped working on the Biograft for a moment to look over to Y/N.

"All of your tasks are done, but you can pair up with Hyperlaser for now. That will be all."

Y/N didn't mind, but this was dreadful for Hyperlaser. Why was it of all other phighters, he had to be wary of you specifically. Was it the way you lacked a certain emotion? Was it the way you looked, your aura, your interaction with other phighters, no.. that couldn't be it. So what was it that was driving him insane.

Hyperlaser didn't like the fact you would be close to him, but this was something he was yearning for. This was only making him more frustrated at you and himself. Whenever you would walk past him his heart would be beating like crazy. But he didn't know you which was strange enough. But not once have you even taken a glance at him. All you thought of him was just a mindless soldier following orders.

Now he was stuck, trying to do the mission with you tagging along because Subspace told you to. Whether he liked it or not, this was only just causing him in distress. You of course sensed that he was acting rather weird. This caused you to raise an eyebrow but of course you wouldn't dare question it. Maybe it was just something he thought of might've driven him over the edge.

You shifted closer to him where your shoulder was touching his shoulder. This almost caused him to freak out and start sweating bullets under the helmet. What was it that was driving him insane. Was it you? Was it you that damned his soul to feel such type of emotions that he couldn't describe. 

"Is something bothering you, Hyperlaser?"

This caused him to freeze, for some reason.. he didn't expect you to suddenly start caring for someone like him. He didn't want you to be the first person to worry for.

"You need to focus. You know how disappointed he would be if you were to mess up."

This shouldn't be a surprise, you only cared monitoring him just incase something were to go wrong, but for some reason Hyperlaser felt some closure. He hadn't felt something like this before, and this wasn't something he wanted to let go of now. Whether you felt the same or not this will impact him negatively.

He knew he should've stayed away from you, he knew he should've distanced himself away from you, so why was it that Subspace have to make things worst for him then they already are? Was he trying to make him feel worse? This couldn't have been an accidental mistake, this had to be on purpose. But even if it wasn't, why did this make him feel this way. He didn't even like you, but he likes you at the same time and it's conflicting his emotions way more complicated then it should.

After the mission that felt like an eternity to him, but rather just another monitor side gig to you, he couldn't sleep that night. Tossing and turning in his bed just thinking about you. He knew it wouldn't work, he knew it wouldn't be returned to how he feels, but why was it that was so hurtful that he knew you wouldn't feel the same way. 

It has been like this ever since you arrived, and it was getting to the point he wants to hate you. He wants to despise you so he can finally have some peace within his mind, but of course you had to cloud his thoughts like you were a mosquito in his head. He could shoot himself in the head and you would still be the last thing that would pop up in his mind.

Was this a punishment he wonders. Was it a curse that he was unfortunate to be cursed by one of the SFOTH deities? Or was he simply just unlucky and just so happens to catch these indescribable feelings. It doesn't help the fact that it all happened so quick, but in reality it was slowly building up in the course of days to weeks to months. Every phighting match he had with you or against you he wouldn't stop observing you. This would be a major downfall to his team causing his team to lose every time.

He wouldn't care about the matches no way, they were just a distraction for his thoughts that would roam around of what he wants to do for the rest of the day after they were over. But now that you were here almost everyday, it was almost impossible for him to focus. Now he only comes at the matches if you would be there. 

He admired your strengths from afar, and he would admire how hard you would fight for you team. Fighting against a reckless Skateboard, a murderous Biograft trying to destroy everything within its path, a vengeful Scythe. He would just watch you do the work as he would observe your every move, and that would be his routine for quite a bit.

Now, he wishes that you didn't appear in crossroads so he wouldn't have to feel like this. 

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> Art made by Waaackl_ on Twitter <

I hope you enjoyed this first angst oneshot with Hyperlaser bleehh :p

1166 words

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