Narrowing It Down - Chapter 2

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❗️TW! There will be fight scenes in this chapter so if you are sensitive to that then don't continue any further❗️

A young blonde girl walked up to the ticket booth, face barely above counter level.

"One ticket to Zabon City please," she politely asked the ticket vendor who peered down at her.

"Where are you parents sweetheart? How old are you?" She asked, slightly worried for the girl who was all alone with no adult in sight to claim her as their own.

"I'm twelve and my mother took my little sister to the bathroom. She asked me to come pick up my ticket while I waited," the lie easily falling from her tongue. She was not in fact accompanied by an adult and was traveling alone.

"I see... Well, in that case here's your ticket sweetheart," she said hesitantly then continued, "Now go find your mom and don't get lost, alright?"

"Yes ma'am, thank you for the help," she bowed slightly, then turned and walked away.

"Sweetheart my ass! I'm not two years old," she grumbled under her breath so that nobody around her could hear. She began approaching the boarding entrance for her train and took a seat on a nearby bench. Slowly, her eye lids became heavy. Just as she was about to doze off the intercom rang out, "Passengers for train 27 to Zabon City may now board!"

Groaning internally, she stood up and rubbed the sleep from her eyes making her way into the train. Sliding into an empty seat, she pulled her bag onto her lap. Resting her chin on top of it, she began to observe the other people boarding the train. The vast majority of them were men. She overhead their loud conversations and she was less than impressed. Many were boasting about going to take The Hunter Exam, bragging about their own strengths. 'Gosh, these people are idiots. Never reveal your deck of cards to an enemy. I bet none of them pass this exam.' She thought, eyeing them all harshly. Clearly, she was not hiding the fact that she was judging them.

She felt someone's gaze set on her. Choosing to ignore it, she continued observing the other passengers. That was until someone came and stood in front of her, blocking her view.

"Hey, blondie! What are you doing here?" He asked. Glancing up at him she took in his appearance. He was a tall, thin man with little muscle. He looked to be in his mid-twenties from the slight wrinkles on his face. His long, greasy hair reached down to his chin and she noticed he had the worst split ends she had seen in her life. He clearly needed to shave and he reeked as if he hadn't showered in years. She scrunched up her nose in disgust. He smirked mockingly down at her, "Don't tell me you're here for the Hunter exam!"

"So what if I am?" She retorted keeping on a straight face. His smirk faltered for a second before returning to his face.

"A pretty little thing like you doesn't belong here with the rest of us. What are you, seven years old? Eight, maybe?" She heard some people laugh around her. She remained silent. Confused as to why she wasn't responding he looked down and his face dropped immediately.

Her icy gaze pierced straight through him. He gazed into her cold, empty eyes. Their hollow shell filled with unspoken words told him all he needed to know as he remained there, unmoving, frozen with fear.

"What, you scared of a little kid Akio?" A man called out making several others around them laugh.

"What- of course not!" He finally blinked and barked back at the other man, looking away from the girl in front of him. He returned to the group he was standing with before, but the uneasiness in his stomach remained.

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