Left In The Dark

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[The show's very first episode begins with an ARGGH! advertisement]
Hunter Spector: "Do you believe in ghosts? Join me, Hunter Spector, spectre hunter, leader of the Academy of Really Good Ghost Hunters, or ARGGH! As I descend into the scariest place in any home, the basement! Sunday night at 8 PM! Don't miss it, or you'll be left in the dark! ARGGH!"
[The ARGGH! logo dissolves into a calendar in Warren's room. He's got the current date highlighted with all past days crossed out before marking the current day.]
Warren: "It's finally here! The live season finale of the greatest show ever!" [He realizes he's being watched. To the viewers] "All right, I know you're probably saying to yourself, 'Warren, with twenty five sisters, there's no way you're going to get to watch your favorite show.' And, you'd be right. Every Sunday at 8, it's the same thing." [Cut to flashback of his sisters fighting over the remote as Warren enters with popcorn; End flashback.] "But tonight, I have a plan." [Breaks out his walkie talkie] "Cadet Warren calling Cadet Danny, do you read me?"
Danny: "This is Cadet Danny, I read you loud and clear! I'm so excited! We finally get to watch ARGGH! together. And by together, I mean you at your house, and me at mine, right?"
Warren: [to the viewers] "For such a landmark event, we decided that it'd be best for us if we watched it separately. Danny's got a huge crush on my sister Betty. It gets awkward."
Danny: [Looking dreamily at drawing of Betty.] "Hubba hubba."
Lincoln: "Danny? Danny? Do you read me?"
Danny: "Uh, you better hurry, Warren. It's almost 8:00!"
Warren: "It's time to put Operation Distract My Sisters So That I Can Get to the TV First and Watch the Special Live Season Finale of ARGGH! and Think of Shorter Name For This Operation into action."

[Warren is alerted by the sound of the Bernadette, Bippa and Beulah marching out of their room.]
Bernadette, Bippa and Beulah: [chanting] "Cartoons, cartoons, cartoons, cartoons!"
Warren: "Did someone say..." [reveals a teapot and a box of cookies] "Tea party?"
Bernadette and Bippa: "Eeeee! Thank you, Warren!"
[She takes the items and goes back to her room. Beulah stands, glares at Warren, displeased]
Beulah: [annoyed] "Hey, I don't want to be part of some dumb old tea party, I want to watch TV!"
Warren: "Not even if these guys are invited?" [holds out two houses; with a rope.]
Beulah: "Eeeee! Thanks, Warren!" [takes the horses and goes back to her room.]
Warren: "Hey, Bebe!"
Bebe: "I was just heading downstairs to watch TV."
Warren: "You might want to grab your video camera instead. The twins are at it again."
[Bernadette, Bippa and Beulah are fighting.]
Bernadette: "You can't! You cant! V.I.P. only!"
Bebe: "This is totally gonna go viral!" [goes back to her room to get her video camera] "Thanks, Warr!"
Bernadette: "Ow. Ow!"
[Beatrice and Beth come out of their room.]
Warren: "Hey, Beatrice. I saved you a trip downstairs and got that stuff you needed."
Beatrice: "The lactose, Triticum protein, sodium chloride crystals, sucrose, and gallus gallus ovum?"
Warren: "Uh, you mean milk, flour, salt, sugar, and eggs?" [holds out ingredients]
Beatrice: "You say tomato, I say Solanum Lycopersicum. Thank you." [takes the ingredients and goes back into her room.]
[Warren see one of his sisters are about going to the living room and watch TV]
Warren: "Hey girls" [holds all of their stuff that they like] "Here all your stuff."
[takes the ingredients and goes back into her room.]
Loud Rabbit Sisters: Thanks, Warren!
Bailey: "Yeah! Two minutes to game time! Whoo!"
Warren: "Hey, Bailey, check it out." [holds out a football that starts floating] "I filled it with helium for the extreme player who demands more."
Bailey: "I demand more!"
[Blair is approaching.]
Warren: "Uh, go long!"
[Whistle blows, Bailey struggles to get the ball and he saw Bertha is coming]
Bailey: "Get over here, you!"
Warren: "Hey, Bertha, check it out." [holds out a dumbbell] "Here's your dumbbell.
[And he gave it to Bertha and he saw Brenda and Belinda are about to watch TV]
Warren: Did someone say..." [reveals hearts and craft] "Heart crafting?"
Belinda: "Eeeee! Thank you, Warren!"
[She takes the items and goes back to her room. Brenda stands, glares at Warren, displeased]
Brenda: [annoyed] "Hey, I don't want to be part of some dumb old heart crafting, I want to watch TV!"
Warren: "But you hate watching TV."
Brenda: "Nevermind."
Warren: "Oh my gosh, Blair, Brooke!"
Blair: "What? Is there a spider on me?!" [frantically rubs her head] "Get it off! Get it off! Get it off! Get it off!"
Brooke: "What? Is there a grasshopper on me?!" [frantically rubs her head] "Get it off! Get it off! Get it off! Get it off!"
Warren: "Worse. There's a zit on the end of your nose!"
Blair and Brooke: "We're a hideous monster!" [runs away]
Barbara: "Hey, bro! TV tonight is gonna be rockin'!" [Strums her guitar] "Yeah!"
Warren: "Or, you can have your very own flashlight rock show in your bedroom." [holds out a colorful flashlight and Barbara takes it]
Barbara: "That is sweet! Thanks, Warr!" [Goes back into her room]
Bridget: "Has anyone seen my phone? I need to live-tweet my show!"
Warren: [Takes out the phone and presses buttons on it.] "Hey, Bridget! Hey, Bridget, I found your phone!"
Bridget: "Give me that!" [snatches her phone] "How many times do I have to tell you to keep your hands off my stuff!" [Warren counts down from 3 and phone rings.] "Hello? Oh, hi Jake." [Laughs] "No, I didn't text you to call me, but I'm glad you did!" [to Warren] "Thanks for nothing, twerp!"
[Sees Beth sleeping, lays her in the laundry basket and kisses her.]
Warren: "And that makes 25." [slides down the stairs and jumps to the floor; to the viewers.] "Like I said, I might not be the fastest, and I might not be the strongest, but to get all of my sisters out of the way, it pays to have a plan."
Bella: "You forgot me."
Warren: "Ahh!" [As an organ pipe plays, he falls to the ground after getting startled by his sister.] "Bella! I always forget about Bella!"
Bella: "Story of my life."
Warren: "What are you doing here?"
Bella: "It's the season premiere of my favorite show, Vampires of Melancholia."
Warren: "This is the episode of ARGGH that everyone is going to be talking about at school tomorrow! Please let me watch it? Pretty please with a black cherry on top?"
Bella: "I'm sorry, Warren, but you know the rule. I was here.." [in slow motion] "First."
Warren: "NOOOOOO!" [Looks at remote and licks it] "Ha!"
Bella: [holds up another remote] "That's the old remote that Brooke accidentally threw into the toilet."
[Warren gags, rubs his tongue and spits out the germs. He then sobs.]
Bella: "Sorry, Warren, I can't miss my vampires. Edwin is so cold and tormented and mysterious. Sigh... If only he wasn't from another century."
Warren: "Another century! That's okay, Bella. You watch your show on the big color TV. I'll just go watch my show on Dad's crummy, old, black-and-white TV."
Bella: "Black and white are my favorite colors."
Warren: "Yeah, it'll make watching my show a little bit more... spooky!"
Bella: "Spooky is also my favorite color."
Warren: "Well, enjoy your vampires."
Bella: "Wait! I'll take the old TV!" [Lincoln smiles.] ---- [Cut to Bella's room where Warren is found grunting to get the TV to the other side of the bed.]
Warren: "How can only two colors be so heavy?" [Puts it on the bed.] "Here you are. Now to plug it in. So, you can be happy or sad or whatever that emotion is. And I won't be left in the dark." [Plugs in the TV. Unfortunately, the plug is broken, and the power goes out.] "Dang it."

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