Do you like someone..?

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Hannah brought her hands to cover her face. Looking up at the tall man standing before her. The tears in her eyes blocked her vision as she was shoved to the ground. Laying on the ground sobbing with blood in her eyes Hannah struggled to get up choking on the blood in her mouth, gasping for air she pushed herself to a sitting position. The tall man in front of her was glaring down at her.

"Don't come near me again bitch," he spat as he and his posse walked away haughtily. Hannah sniffled and got up quickly, feeling increasingly embarrassed for being picked on so easily, but she was such an easy target. After both her parents died and she had to move to live with her uncle she hasn't fit in she never has. She always had her nose in a book and her headphones on, it makes sense that nobody liked her, she was just... different... but she's okay with that, she just knew that one day she'd get out of here and start her writing career and blow everyone away.

She looked around and saw her glasses broken on the ground next to her, but she didn't have anything else to do so she just put them on again and sighed, wiping the blood off her face. She grabbed her books that were thrown on the ground and smiled at her favorite one, it was called Tuck Everlasting She just loved it, but it was an unpopular book so nobody had ever heard of it before. So that just added to her weirdness... she tucks her hair behind her ear and looks up.

She started to walk to the bathroom before bumping into another man.

"O-oh! I-I'm s-s-s-s-so s-sorry a-are you o-okay..?" She asks Scrambling to help him up. As she did she realized she could see all of him and saw that he was taller than Ben, but not by much. Maybe around 5'10" His dark hair against his pale skin, she realized, was beautiful. She felt like she could get lost in his eyes for days.

"I'm fine," he said in a gruff voice. "What the hell happened to you," he murmured. Hannah fiddled with her thumbs, embarrassed to have to explain what had happened to just another stranger who would think she was weird.

"I-i ran into a locker," she lied. The man stared her down menacingly.

"What's your name," he said seriously, making Hannah shudder with a newfound fear.

"I-it's y-Hannah..." she stuttered, her eyes starting to well up again at his tone.

"Well Hannah," he says "Did you happen to see that asshole Ben Platt around? Or was this really an accident," he says accusingly.

"I... uhm..." Hannah stuttered out, sweat beading on her forehead as she's not good with confrontation.

He sighed and rolled his eyes as he walked away fuming. Hannah let out a small breath and headed to the bathroom to clean herself up before getting home.

As she stood in front of the mirror she picked at her soft and torn skin. As she did so another girl stumbled in startling Hannah. The girl's hair was bright red and her skin was olive. As Hannah made eye contact with her piercing blue eyes she was reminded with shame of her two different eye colors, making her feel like a freak. She was reminded of why her uncle forced her to wear that eye patch everyday. But this girl... she was beautiful, her eyeliner was a dark red and her lashes looked wonderful.

"Hey," she said as she splashed some water in her face.

"W-what are you doing here..?" Hannah asked curiously.

"My asshole Ex Boyfriend got his goons to draw all over me while I was asleep. Why are you here," she said, and turned her head for Hannah to see what was all over her face.

Hannah gasped as she saw the words written all over her skin.

"Are you okay?" Hannah said,

"Yeah, But I have medical supplies back at my home if you need anything!" The girl smiled at her.

"The name's Kara... What's yours? I'll need to know it if I'm heading over to your place," she says packing her stuff up.

"Hannah..." she says. So she and Hannah began walking to her house. As they arrived Hannah told Kara to stay outside for a minute. What she didn't tell her was that her uncle might be home... her uncle with the bottles of beer.

Stepping into the small apartment she saw her uncle passed out on the small recliner, it was the only chair they could afford after her parents died because of her uncle's severe drinking problems. The apartment was littered with magazines and bottles which she quickly cleaned up . She peaked her head back out the door and brought Kara inside her apartment.

"Well... here it is..." Hannah says, her eyes studying every response on Kara's face. She didn't seem to mind the smell too much, but a look of sympathy flashed across her face. Hannahs forest orbs darted across the floor and she ushered Kara to her room.

"Sorry about.. All the bottles..." Hannah says as she sits down on her mattress and helps Kara to her mattress. She doesn't have a bed frame so their legs easily touch the floor.

"It's fine! I don't mind... I've had to deal with stuff like this before. If you... know what I mean," she nods solemnly. They sit on the mattress in a comfortable silence before Kara Speaks up.

"So do you have your eyes on anybody at the moment? Do you..." she pauses and looks over at Hannah "like anyone..?" She smirked.

Hannah's face turned bright red as the thought of that boy from earlier today. That boy who saved her. The boy she would make sure to look out for for the rest of her life. Kara gave her a sly look.

"Who is it~" she teased


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