It was today

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Trigger warning for abuse from relatives 

Hannah didn't end up confessing who she liked that day, but Kara definitely knew she liked someone. When Hannah waved goodbye she felt her face flush again thinking back to their conversation earlier. She shook the thoughts from her head and quietly shut the door. As she turned around she quickly stumbled into the bigger man still in the house. towering over Hannah while he glared down at her.

"Did I say that you could have friends over?" he said, his greasy black hair framing his twisted face. He grabbed her by the shoulder and threw her aside.

"What the fuck is the matter with you? I thought you understood the rules I had set when you chose to stay here," He shouted, "Does nothing make sense to you? Are you really as stupid as everyone thinks you are?" as his voice raised, his hand did too. He smacked her across the face and it left a bright red mark where his hand had been. She crumpled to the floor with her hands on her face and tears welling up in her eyes. The room was dead silent save for her gasps of air. When she looked back up at him his eyebrows furrowed and he continued to glare at her. She stayed on the floor shaking for a long while, too scared to do anything other than cry.

Eventually her uncle stepped away and she shakily stood up again hurrying to her room while hugging herself close. She burst through the door and flopped down on her bed. She didn't do anything for a while, she just stared at the ceiling and cried. She stayed curled up on her bed until the night ended, barely even able to sleep.

When Hannah woke up the next morning she found that not only did the slap leave a dark and ugly bruise, but Lin Manuel-Miranda's ring had pierced her skin and left a hideous gash on her cheek. The dried blood on her face was flaking off and she could see the cut it had left clearly. She felt her eyes well up again but quickly pushed that down and wet her hands. She began washing her face of the dried tears and blood with ease and she let herself let out a choked sob before putting on a brave face and stepping back through the bathroom door to her room. She threw on a pair of shorts and a simple white tank. And she made sure to save up for a whole new outfit with pink sleeves.

She keeps her eyes closed until she bursts through the front door. Her eyes were still watering and the shake in her knees caused her to collapse on the doorstep. She couldn't see and she couldn't feel her legs. She sat curled up in front of the door for a few moments before she heard a person clear their throat. Her head shot up and she made eye contact with the most gorgeous brown eyes she'd ever seen.

"Hey, are you okay..?" The girl said clearly tracking what had happened to Hannah. But as Hannah opened her mouth to reassure that she was fine only a quiet whimper came out and the tears welled up in her eyes again. She refused to let them fall in front of someone she didn't even know but the girl just looked at her with care in her eyes.

"Oh god! Do you need something to patch that up?" She said, clearly gesturing to the gash on Hannah's cheek. Hannah put her hand to her cheek cringing as her joints popped and ached and she let out a small gasp. The wound had reopened and was continuing to bleed. She winced as her hand made contact leaving a numb stinging on her face.

"I'm Idina, what's your name..?" She asked hesitantly, kneeling next to Hannah. She Slowly reached out to pull her hand away from her face. Hannah let out a shaker breath and held back a sob before letting her walls come crashing down.

It was today when Hannah looked up at the person she barely knew with tears in her.

It was today when Hannah realized just how bad her uncle could be.

It was today when she realized she couldn't escape.

But it was today when she realized she would have to try if she wanted to survive.

Second chapter down!! Sorry it took so long I have been really busy this summer. I haven't Had too much time to work. I really love writing this fic but I've been extremely busy and my cat got run over so it's been hard to work through that though I've found that trying to write more has made my mental state improve a little at least. Anyways, thanks so much for reading and I hope you have a wonderful day!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28 ⏰

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