Chapter 15

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The front door slammed, effectively shutting out Rosenthal and all his piles of legal papers. It was official now. Brielle belonged to Tribe Rille. There was no going back for her, and even less of an option for Preston to retreat.

A pen in the hands of a rather peculiar lawyer had sealed the decision that Preston had made.

Once Brielle healed, he would take her back to the Rille Reservation with him. But not a moment before. If she entered the res wounded, her struggle would be that much greater.

Preston reentered the living/dining area, prepared to make excuses about why he needed to go out for a while. Every word he had conjured stopped short of his lips at the sight of Brielle's head on her arms, her eyes closed. The soft inhale-exhale of her weary breaths lifted her shoulders and then lowered them again.

I should have known. So much had accosted her over the past days, Preston included. Sleep must be the most delicious temptation for Brielle. And she needed it. Loads of it. In sleep, she would heal faster. Once she healed, Preston could return to the res and his rightful position.

Preston scooped Brielle into his arms and immediately regretted the decision.

His wolf had never been so close to the surface, so ready and willing to take over. Rille tribesmen always had complete control over the animal inside. Why, now, did Preston feel the wolf's desire in his veins, hear his begging in his own head?

Mate, the wolf whined. Make her our mate.

No matter that Brielle already held the mating mark. That wasn't what the wolf wanted now. Since she was his, he wanted all of her.

But he couldn't have her. Not until Preston was certain that Brielle desired him as badly as he desired her. The wolf would have to wait.

However, the intrusion did remind Preston of the most pressing issue at hand. He hadn't shifted in days, and it was beginning to take a toll.

Conscious of every movement and touch, Preston tucked Brielle into his bed. It still struck him how tiny she was compared to the larger wolf offspring he was used to. Preston would wager that Brielle was tiny compared to most humans, as well. Short, petite, frail. But far too tempestuous to be misconstrued as weak.

Make her prove it, the wolf begged. Preston's mouth salivated with all the things the wolf wanted to do with Brielle.

A sigh fell from his lips. It was time to take a step away from her, to deal with his inner beast and the lust rising in his thoughts. Preston turned to go.

A small hand grasped his wrist and, though Preston could have easily tossed it aside and kept going, he stopped.

"You're leaving?" Brielle asked simply, her voice husky from sleep.

Preston closed his eyes, took a breath to still the wolf's frenzy, and turned to look down at her. "The apartment is safe. So long as you stay inside, no one can get to you."

"We just signed the paperwork and you're abandoning me?" The sarcasm was drier than usual, but Preston attributed that to her half-awake state.

With his free hand, Preston gently tugged her fingers from around his wrist and settled her arm under the bedspread. "I have some matters to attend. I'll be back."

A disgruntled hum was the only answer Brielle gave, as she fell back asleep as though she hadn't been worried at all.

It was that moment of worry that gave Preston hope. Brielle had fretted that he would leave her, which meant she enjoyed his presence enough to notice when it disappeared. Bit by bit, she would grow more attached, and that was a good sign for their relationship.

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