Chapter 24

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"Shaw, the door."

Preston was getting tired of bringing an unconscious Brielle into his apartments. It had happened too many times and he didn't like it. As feisty as she was, couldn't she stay alert and sassy? It concerned him when she shut off to avoid her problems.

Not that she could have seen Ava's witchery coming.

Shaw respectfully remained outside of Preston's front door. The rule was that he didn't enter without permission. When Preston was already on his last nerve's edge due to his mate, breaking the rules would result in disastrous things.

Preston laid Brielle on the sofa, reached for a blanket nearby, and covered her gently. They would discuss what had happened when she woke. It would take hours for the effects of the potion to wear off. Sleeping it off would be better than working through it while awake. For everyone involved.

"What should we do with Ava?" Shaw asked from the open doorway.

"I'll handle it."

Preston scrubbed his fingers against his forehead. Ava hadn't owned up to knowing who Brielle was, but she wasn't stupid. She just acted like it. It was all part of the ploy. A ploy that needed to end immediately. Preston was done handing his power over to others.

But, for now, he needed to tend to his mate. "Have the security team on alert. Ava doesn't get near my place. Not within a block radius."

"Yes, sir." Shaw shut the door and retreated.

Preston rested a hand against the top of Brielle's head. He had never seen her panic so hard. Not even when her ex-boyfriend had a hand clamped around her throat. Ava had well and truly scared Brielle, and that wasn't an easy feat. They would have a mountain of obstacles awaiting them going forward.

"Go away, witch!" Brielle's eyes flew open, her hand shooting up to swat at Preston's arm.

Great. It appeared that they wouldn't be sleeping through the effects of the potion.

Brielle's eyes went wide, her lips splitting into a grin as she recognized him.


So much for laying down and resting. Brielle bounced up from the couch and wrapped her arms around Preston's torso. His wolf begged him to reciprocate the embrace. Preston knew better.

"You're going to regret this in the morning," Preston grumbled, though the close proximity thrilled him.

Brielle wasn't in her right mind. Not one bit. If she were, they wouldn't be in the current predicament. Every second of their first kiss replayed in Preston's mind in vivid technicolor. And, boy, did he want a repeat. She would kill him later if he crossed that line.

Brielle tipped her head up, resting her chin against the center of Preston's chest. "Am I drunk?"

"Something similar."

Though she was probably trying to be intimidating, it came off more cute than anything else when she pointed a finger at Preston's face. "Explain."

"The potion elevated the potency of your blood. Your brain is receiving too many signals from the elevated levels of red blood cells, oxygen, and the like. It presents like inebriation."

"That was a lot of words." Brielle wrinkled her nose like she might say more, but something else stole her attention.

Brielle released Preston in favor of padding toward the kitchen. Heaven only knew what thought had gone through her head to spur her actions. Preston didn't dare follow her. Not until he had reined in his inner wolf and all the R-rated thoughts going through his head.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02 ⏰

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