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They can't defy fate forever, so someone succeeds in summoming Zork and ruining the kingdom "No, Bakura let me go!" Amunet yells when she's dragged along towards safety "You can't both sacrifice yourselves!" Bakura counters, but it's hard, she's the best person to help fight Zork and he was ordered to drag her away, towards the safety of the palace, they'd already lost Mahad "Please let me go help." she says. Bakura relents, but he starts evacuating people. "You should be at the safety of the palace!" Atem scolds her "And I'm not letting you do this alone!" she tells him "We can't leave Egypt without a ruler." "And we won't, I'll just put part of my soul in the puzzle, but I am helping you.".

Amunet, when it's done, returns to the palace where she collapses in her brother's arms "It's alright, you made the right choice." he whispers "I... he's gone Bakura, I can't sense him at all." she mumbles "It's okay, you'll meet again." he says.

When Amunet gets sick Bakura and Mana are left without much medicine, since they'd just had a pandemic sweep through the city "We can't help her, I can't..." Bakura trails of and looks down "At least she made peace with it." Mana whispers with a sigh "Come on, let's go make her comfortable at least.".

Domino, present time

"Look, I don't care what your opinion is on the subject Bella, you can't just keep correcting me." the history teacher says "Then tell it as it is!" she complaints before leaving the room. "You gotta stop pissing of the history teacher." Yugi says, earning a huff "I'm already an archaeologist, I know my stuff better then he does!" Bella complaints "Like, it's never mentioned anywhere, but did you know the nameless Pharaoh had a wife and a kid?" "I didn't know that actually." Yugi mumbles "Apparently when he was sealed away she was already pregnant with their child, though she died a few years after giving birth due to illness.", Yugi frowns, wouldn't Yami have at least mentioned a wife?

"I swear I didn't know until she said it." Yami says with a frown "But... that might explain that door over there. The one you never open." Yugi points out, which brings up a good point "I don't remember anything, if it is related to that then I'd prefer knowing at least something." Yami replies "No need, my memories are almost as bad as yours." someone comments dryly, so they turn to the voice "Oh wow." Yugi mumbles "I do however remember you," she says "and my brother, he's kinda hard to forget." "Brother?" Yugi asks, guess their teacher really didn't know shit "Bakura, tends to be protective, but follows orders in chaotic times. Also very kind and funny." she explains, earning a very very confused look "You might wanna sit down for this news Amunet." Yami says.

"Okay, so Bakura's evil here, for whatever reason, and is trying to take the puzzle?" she asks, making them nod slightly "I need a host or I can't scold him." "You're one of the most powerful spellcasters in the known history, can't you make yourself appear?" Yugi asks, so she shakes her head "As I said, I need a host." "What about Bella?" Yami asks, causing Yugi to scowl "I wouldn't trust her with the puzzle, she's Seto's sister!" "Let me see this Bella, she sounds interesting.".

Bella gets confused by the request and frowns "But I'm busy, besides, I tend to avoid Bakura." "Which I expected, we'll go ask someone else." Yugi mumbles "Can I study the puzzle afterwards?" she asks, of course she asks "You can stay and watch." "Deal.".

Bakura, during his next plan to get the puzzle, trails the odd duo to the museum "Why are they here, it's closed." he mumbles under his breath, though when he finds them he's expecting to stand face to face with the Pharaoh and Bella, not Yugi and an all too familiar face. "Bakura." "Hey Amunet, do I bow or..." he trails off, but she crosses her arms "You know what's sealed in the puzzle as well as I do! Why the hell are you trying to undo what we did years ago?" she asks, he has to think on that and Yugi's actually really amused "I wanted to release you!" "And by doing that you'd be weakening the seal! You're lucky we're both in this puzzle or we'd both be scolding you! If you wanted to help you'd find the other items and trying to get his memories back!" "You're about to switch back." Bakura deadpans and he's right, so Yugi gets handed the puzzle again "That was weird." Bella mumbles "You're telling me? I'm usually the one who switches with Yami." Yugi deadpans "So all this to get your sister back?" Bella asks Bakura, who's gone quiet "What is sealed in the puzzle, aside from them?" Yugi asks, still no reply.

"Oh, what am I doing here?" Ryou asks, so the two explain it best they can "That makes sense actually, but he usually doesn't go back into the ring, how did he even get this if it belonged to someone else?" "Amunet suspects, her memories aren't in the best state, that he got it after Mahad died since he was the Pharaoh's bodyguard." Yugi says with a shrug.

Bella, as promised, gets to study the puzzle and she frowns "Is the eye supposed to glow like that?" "No that usually doesn't happen, then again, I never even knew there was a second spirit in there." Yugi explains, but he sees something interesting in the office "Is that a millenium item?" "Huh, oh that thing, some tomb keeper gifted it to the museum after his son tried stealing it." "Better to keep it safe then." Yugi mumbles. Amunet's quiet in the puzzle "So you died." Yami mumbles, earning a nod "A pandemic had just swept through the city, with Mahad gone they couldn't cure me using magical means." she explains "But I made my peace with it, not like anyone else missed me." "But our kid-" "He... died too, during an attack from bandits, we had told him to hide, but he was found and killed in front of us, there was nothing left from the bandits afterwards, aside from piles of ashes." she cuts him off as she looks down.

Bella approaches Yugi and his friends with a box "I found something in the tomb you might find interesting." she informs Yugi, who tilts his head confused "Shouldn't you be keeping that at the museum?" Joey questions "Usually yes, just open the box." she replies. Inside the box is a bracelet and Yami switches with Yugi upon seeing it "Amunet's bracelet, I gave this to her after we became rulers." he says with a smile "Yep, stumbled upon the tomb by accident," Bella tells him "so I figured that since we can't force her to leave the puzzle she could go in there." "Possible, in theory, but I'd carry over part of the seal with me and part of what's sealed in here." Amunet chimes in, so Yami tells Bella that "Less chance of someone succeeding," Bella points out "but who'd be Amunet's host?" "You, she's clearly compatible with you." Yami says, besides, it's not like Téa looked like she wanted it, no, she looked more sad and jealous "By the way, it seemed there were instruction in the tomb, so... I followed them and blew all monitoring technology around it to pieces." "How did you do that?" Téa asks, earning a grin "My brother may be intolerable sometimes, but he does value my work and opinions." Bella tells them proudly. "We shouldn't try just yet though, at least, not until we know more about what's sealed in the puzzle." Yami says, Bakura wasn't even speaking to them anymore and Amunet knew a bit more then he himself did, but nothing concrete "We should do it, people won't expect them both to be seperates from each other." Solomon eventually tells the duo, Bella had given Joey a late birthday present in the form of a new phone, so she's at the game shop "But how?" Yugi asks, resting his head on the counter "Put both item next to each other, the rest will sort itself out." Solomon explains to them.

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