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"Why are we sneaking out in the middle of the night?" Amunet asks "You could've said no" Atem says handing her a cloak "Remember how my father forbade us to go camping near the river?" he asks earning a nod "We're going camping" Bakura explains earning a confused look. "In the middle of the night?" she asks eventually earning two nods, over the course of two years she made herself irreplaceable at the palace, always hanging around her brother and Atem, add Mana and you literally have a recipe for disaster "Where's-" "Already there" is the answer to her unasked question.

They reach the area with relative ease, not wanting to misjudge the distance and risking a midnight bath "I cannot believe you talked me into this" Mana says "They're gonna be worried sick" "And who'll get the blame, certainly not me" Amunet comments dryly "We had to do some sort of survival shit anyway, I left my father a note" Atem says with a grin. The next morning it's a complete chaos at the palace, no one can find Mana, Mahad's apprentice, Atem, the prince, Bakura, the prince's personal bodyguard and Amunet, aspiring healer and warlord "They're not in the marketplace" Mahad says "Where else would they go?" "Camping" the pharaoh says "Survival training" "Won't they need a supervisor?" Isis asks "I think they will be fine if they stay together as a group" the Pharaoh says calmly.

"Why do I have to catch dinner?" Atem asks "And why do I have to start now?" "Because we all know you can't fish or swim" Mana says "He can't swim? That explains a lot" Amunet comments before walking of to gather some firewood with Bakura and Mana goes to improve their shelter, leaving Atem to go fishing and he wasn't going to get any help.

They eventually take pity on the prince and go to check how it's going, they're somewhat disappointed, not at his poor attempt at fishing, but at his really crappy wooden spear "Atem" Bakura says "What in Ra's name are you holding?" "A spear, I followed the instructions Amunet gave me on the way here last night" "Give me that" Amunet says "The point isn't sharp enough and you were holding it wrong", she improves the spear and hands it back "Try again". No one is really surprised when she moves behind her brother though, the young magician could handle all kinds of weapons, but not spears, even fishing spears were avoided unless she has no other choice.

Mana, Bakura and Amunet see the accident before it happens and when Atem slips he lets out a panicked scream, but Bakura doesn't move "Guys" he says "Has the river always been this fast?" "We can't swim in that" Mana says, but Amunet runs over and jumps in anyway, ditching her cloak and axe before doing so "We're gonna teach you how to swim when this is over" she says "The trip or this?" Atem asks "Tomorrow", she grabs a branch and starts pulling them forwards to the shore. She plops on the ground and sighs "Bakura" she says "You're his bodyguard" she adds with a glare "Hey take it easy on him" Mana says, but the next glare is directed at her "G-guys it's fine" Atem says. Amunet sneezes as she sits by the fire, wrapping her cloak around herself "We'll never hear the end of this" Bakura says with a sigh "That's two people sick who aren't supposed to be sick" "Mana, you do the fishing" Atem says "We'll be fine" Amunet says and she sighs "You know, eventually" she adds.

Amunet is somewhat better when they return to the palace a week later, Atem, not so much, he wanted to take care of the others "How did survival training go?" Isis asks "Oh Atem knows how to swim and fish" Amunet says "Why are you two sick?" the Pharaoh asks "Well funny story actually-" "I fell into the river during my first fishing attempt, Amunet got me out" Atem says "To bed with you two then, Bakura... you're my son's bodyguard" "Yes sir, sorry sir, won't happen again" Bakura says. Atem and Amunet are sitting on Atem's bed after a bath, which Isis had forced them to take "You know you can't fall asleep here right?" Atem asks "Remember the first time I was here?" she asks "Yes, you were a thief back then, although I suppose you always will be one" "Your father was planning to send me if we're ever at war" "So why are you still here?" Atem asks "He figured I'd be of more use here, which is somewhat true considering that I stopped two people from killing Mana and Mahad two weeks ago and I stopped an assassination attempt on you, so..." "Wait what?" Atem asks "You're the next king of Egypt, of course you're going to be a target" Amunet says with a simple shrug "Did you at least find out who wants me dead?" he asks "Of course I did" "Did you tell my father?" "Not yet", this gets the prince quiet, he didn't understand why she hadn't told his father yet "I doubt he will believe me" Amunet eventually explains "Of course he will, you have no reason to lie to him about my safety. Speaking off, when was that?" "Few weeks back, four I think".

When patrolling one night and spotting the culprit talking to a group she freezes them all in place before calling some guards "Why would he be after the prince's life?" a guard asks "Put them in the dungeon, I'll handle it, but... two of you have to carry him". The Pharaoh isn't pleased with the news they caught more assassins, so he asks the question Amunet is dreading to answer "Who ordered them to Amunet?" he asks making the girl look down "It's best to show you" she says as the guards carry a still frozen Aknadin inside "She saw them talking to him" one of the guards says "Why didn't you tell me?" "Because-" "You wouldn't have believed her my king" Isis says "I had known he was up to no good for a while, but decided to wait and see how Amunet would handle it, knowing you would believe your own brother over her" the priestess adds "You saved my son's life again, don't make it a habit" the Pharaoh says "I try not to, but then again, he saved mine multiple times" Amunet says and she turns slightly when her spell wears off "Bright him to the dungeons throw him with the others". News spreads like wildfire that a priest wanted the prince gone and Atem, having heard his friend returned from a task in the desert goes to find her in her room, but he's stopped by Mana "Don't go in there, please" she says "What happened? She was supposed to get rid of a group of bandits" "A very large group, Mahad and I found her on time to assist, but-" "Mana, what happened?", instead of an answer Mana lets him go and he enters the room "Atem no, turn around and leave the room" Bakura says, a devider preventing him from seeing a thing, but he creeps closer anyway "H-how big was that group Mahad?" he asks "It was big, let's keep it at that" Mahad answers.

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