Holy Sword's Call

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The creature was out of my eyesight, but I could sense its presence still. I pivoted 90 degrees at a time as I prepared for its strike, with my gun drawn and sword en garde. Then it ferociously leaped at me from the shadows. I blocked its claws from reaching my torso with Masamune. My feet and legs were grounded, but I was still getting pushed back. You're so fucking heavy, what are you made of? Before its fangs reached my throat, I shoved Giard in its mouth and fired nonstop. The creature made a sound as if it was in pain and backed away. Now's my chance. You're dead now.

Without hesitation, I lunged forward and sliced its head off clean in one swift movement. I stood over its corpse triumphantly and smiled sadistically. This is my victory. No matter who I'm up against, I always win. Still... what is this feeling?

I noticed its body was empty, hollow, and had no blood at all. Suddenly, its corpse vanished into thin air and I felt its claws dig deep into my back, tearing my clothes and the flesh underneath. It leaped away before I could react or turn around. Blood was oozing out of me like I was a fountain.

"You bastard... how is this possible?" I muttered as I struggled to stand.

It circled me and leaped at me before I could perceive its motion. With a single bite, it tore off my left leg, causing more blood to gush out of me. Ignoring the pain, I maintained my balance by shifting all my weight on my right leg, and brought my sword down upon it, cutting the creature in half. DIE NOW.

Suddenly, I felt multiple familiar presences around me. I was trapped in a circle of these demon dog-like creatures. No... this can't be. Is my vision tricking me from the blood I've lost? There must be at least 20 of these things.

"I am one. I am many. We are the Hollow," the creatures said in distorted sync.

One leaped forward, and I shot it in the head with Giard. Another came, and I cut it down with Masamune. From my blind spot, one tore my remaining leg off and I fell to the ground, face down.

"I'LL KILL EVERY LAST ONE OF YOU!" I screamed, turning face up, filled with bloodlust.

I still have my arms. Giard, Masamune, don't fail me now. Kill. Them. All. I shot desperately with my left hand and swung with my right, but the sheer number and might of these creatures overwhelmed me. They were relentless and savage. My arms were torn off as my two companions were no longer in my hands. My eyeballs were next and before I knew it, I had lost my vision and the world went pitch black. I lay there, drowning in a pool of my blood.

"You were formidable, but none escape me. I am inevitable," the Hollow said.

Am I going to lose? Is this where it ends for me?

"Lord Hades, tonight we feast upon this powerful and extraordinary soul," the Hollow prayed. Then I felt all the presences disappear, rather merge, into one being.

I see now. That's what this feeling was. It was death coming to claim me. This thing is beyond a mere mortal like me. I never stood a chance did I? Goodbye, wretched world.

As the Hollow prepared to feast upon my corpse, I stood in front of death's door, ready to walk in. Then, a strange voice echoed in my head. It was light, angelic, feminine, and warm.

O' Mortal, this isn't where your story ends. Call my name and you shall be reborn. Honor thy warriors of history and take it upon yourself to be my lord.

What the fuck? I must be hearing things. Well, I'm about to die anyway. Goodbye, cruel world.

Mortal, you must not ignore my call. The fate of life itself depends on it. I am the Holy Sword. I am Excalibur. You have been chosen, now you must summon me.

Excalibur? As in King Arthur's Excalibur? That was nothing but a myth, a legend. What a load of bullshit. I've lost my sanity. Hurry up and kill me, you damn Hollow dog bastard.

The Hollow's fangs sank deep into my chest and clamped down on my faintly beating heart. This is it for me. Then, all of a sudden, beams of bright light emerged out of my body and blew the creature back.

In a sudden trance, I muttered, "O' Excalibur, I call upon thee. May our souls unite and cleave away the darkness. I am the Honored One."

I felt my limbless torso being embraced, and gentle, yet powerful lips pressed upon mine. I could feel my limbs again and I opened my eyes. I looked into those pure, golden eyes of the radiant girl. Her hair was pure white. She smiled at me softly. Are you an angel? Before I could speak, she dissolved into a glowing, golden, and white sword that fell into my hands. I arose, completely healed, but not the same as I was. My eyes glowed bright golden, as power surged through my body and soul, and as the Holy Sword and I moved as one.

The Hollow looked frightened for the first time. It turned from the predator to the prey and this time, the Hollow froze.

"THIS CAN'T BE! THE HOLY SWORD WAS DESTROYED MILLENNIA AGO!" the Hollow bellowed in pure agony and fear, as it slowly backed away from my body.

"I will honor thee," we said together.

My body wielded Excalibur with both hands and slashed the air in front of the Hollow with great might, sending a ray of light that cut its hardened body clean in half. This time, its corpse dissolved into black dust. A dark portal emerged where its corpse dissolved, sucking me in, along with Excalibur.

AUTHORS NOTE - Thanks for reading this chapter, I love this one. If you enjoyed this chapter consider voting and commenting your thoughts, reactions and feedback :) hehehaw

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