Chapter Twenty Two

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     A little time had passed, but Hershel was finally awake, proving that he hadn't died because of the bite. Everyone was glad that he had made it, and also because now they knew that there was a way to survive a walker bite, even if it wasn't the safest way.

     Baby and Dean were walking in front of the others, simply enjoying the weather before it got top hot. They also got to see Hershel finally walking around, even though it wasn't on two feet anymore. He had to use crutches, and luckily they had found some inside of the prison.

     As they were watching Hershel walk around, they heard Glenn cheering for him from afar. The cheer didn't last long though, because walkers began to appear and surround them. Dean grabbed Baby's hand and pulled her towards the stairs, and she motioned for Hershel and Beth to quickly follow her. Maggie, Lori, and Carl went to the other side, and went through a door, disappearing from sight.

       Baby and Dean hadn't seen T-Dog or Carol after the commotion, but at least they knew they were safe. The walkers were quickly killed, before Rick ran over to check on them and find his wife and kid. They didn't know the exact whereabouts, but they knew they had gone into the prison.

         Before anyone could really do anything though, an alarm started blaring. The alarm was attracting walkers, which was something they really didn't need to happen. The group had to find the alarm system, which didn't take too long, considering Axel and Oscar were around. They split the two up, making sure they couldn't plan anything while they were together, just incase they were the cause of the alarms.

         Once the alarms were off, Dean and Baby stood outside of the prison taking deep breaths. They were surprised at what had happened, but they were both thankful that they had managed to live through it. Each time they encountered a group of walkers, it could easily be their last time.

         After what was left of the group had collected together, Rick began to bark orders. He was saying that they needed to find Lori and Carl and Maggie, but he was cut off by the sound of a door opening, then the cry of a baby was heard. Rick turned around, and when everyone only seen Maggie, Carl, and the baby, most people knew exactly what had happened.

       Rick began to have a mental breakdown, as Carl stood and cried. Maggie was crying, as blood covered her hands and the baby. Maggie went and cried into Glenn's chest, as Hershel decided to have a look at the baby to see how healthy the baby was. Luckily, the baby was healthy, she just needed food, and the group hadn't prepared for something like this to happen, so they didn't have a single can of formula stored in the prison for the baby to eat.

        Daryl, Glenn, and Maggie volunteered to go get formula, but only Daryl and Maggie went. Dean and Baby decided to try their best to get everyone inside where it was safe. Rick wasn't in his right mind, and anyone could tell that, especially when the man stormed off into the prison like he was a man on a mission.

        Dean was going to try his hardest to keep everyone safe, but if it came down to it, Baby was his main priority. It seemed though that everyone simply needed some rest. Poor Carl wasn't going to get any sleep for a while, considering he had been the one to put his mother down before she could become a walker. It was sad, but it was something that had to happen.

        Dean and Baby watched over everyone for some time, but once Daryl and Maggie came back with formula, Dean and Baby headed up to their cell. They didn't want to deal with anymore group things tonight. They wanted some rest, since their day had been so eventful. They were use to their days being busy, but it seemed as though today was just a little bit more busy — maybe because of the prisoners, or maybe because they had let their guard down when they knew they shouldn't have.

"Today was shit." Dean grumbled, and Baby nodded.

"It could've been worse," She replied,"We both could've died."

"Don't even say that, you'll jinx us." He said, causing her to hold her hands up in mock surrender with her lips formed into an innocent smile.

"Fine, I'm sorry," She replied,"but I really think you worry just a little bit too much."

"I gotta worry about you, Baby," Dean said,"'cause if I don't, nobody else will."

"You're probably right." She answered, frowning slightly.

        Dean felt bad for making her feel a little upset, so he grabbed her hand and lightly pulled her towards the bunk he was laying on. A smile grew on her face, as she kicked off her shoes and laid down beside him. She placed her head on his chest, as he wrapped his arms loosely around her body.

"I'm going to go full chick-flick for a moment," Dean commented, causing Baby to look up at him,"I really do care about you, Baby. From the day we seen each other and you were human, I've been in love with you. I mean, what man wouldn't fall for his car when she turned into a smokin' hot human woman?"

      Baby felt a blush appear on her face, as she shook her head and rolled her eyes slightly. His comment made her heart skip a beat, but also made her want to laugh. He really was good at making her feel happy, loved, and calm in many different types of situations. She just hoped that this world wouldn't force Dean away from her now that she finally had him like she had dreamed since she had become human...

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