Chapter Thirty

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      It didn't take long for them to reach Alexandria. The gated community was something Baby had never seen before. When they were brought inside, they were able to spot many of the members of their group from the prison. It was weird to see all of them after such a long time, but it was good to see them alive.

       Baby and Dean didn't have to talk to Deanna, since Daryl had vouched for them, and said they'd be good at recruiting with him. He didn't want them to be stuck talking to the crazy woman, or getting a job they really didn't want to do.

"I think you should follow me 'fore I introduce ya to Aaron." Daryl commented, motioning for them to follow with a tilt of his head.

          Dean and Baby looked at each other, before they followed behind Daryl. Daryl lead them to a house, and the two could hear a lot of commotion going on inside. Daryl knocked on the door, and in moments, the door was pulled open. Dean and Baby's eyes widened when they seen who was at the door — Sam.

"Sam?" Dean's voice was barely above a whisper.

"Dean!" Sam exclaimed, before he stepped out of the house to hug his older brother,"Where have you been, dude?"

"Everywhere." Dean replied, almost too surprised to talk.

"I'll come get y'all later." Daryl commented, mostly talking to Baby, since Dean was preoccupied.

"Thank you." She said, and Daryl simply gave her a nod in reply before he left.

"Who's this?" Sam asked, motioning to Baby.

"This is Baby." He replied, and Sam's eyebrows furrowed.

"Baby?" He questioned, his voice sounding like he didn't believe a word Dean had said.

"Can we come in?" Dean asked, and Sam nodded.

"Dean?" He heard, causing him to turn around and spot a few of his family he hadn't seen in so long.

         Sitting in the living room of this house was Bobby, Castiel, Jody, Ellen, Jo, Ash, Claire, and Alex. He hadn't seen any of them in so long, and in his world, some of them had passed away. This meant that they definitely weren't from his world, but that didn't mean he wasn't ecstatic to see them.

"So, you wanna tell me who Baby is?" Sam asked, and it seemed he and everyone else only remembered Baby as a car, which was confusing, unless they had come from his world even though they had died.

"I'm guessing you remember Baby, my car?" Dean questioned, and everyone nodded,"Well, this is Baby, but now she's human."

"How in the hell is that even possible?" Ellen asked, causing Dean to shrug.

"We're not sure how it happened," Dean replied,"This isn't my world. The world I lived in, I died. I remember dying, then I woke up in the middle of nowhere, and I found Baby. She woke up human in this world."

"I think you broke them." Baby murmured, as she seen all the looks of surprise and astonishment on their faces.

"And are her?" Caetiel asked, and Dean bit his lip.

"I know it sounds wrong to you guys, but she's human, okay? She's all I had for so long, and I mean, I love her. Believe it or not, I've loved her since the minute I met her," Dean said,"and I know, that was a chick flick moment, but it's true."

       Everyone in the room seemed happy for him, except for a young blonde. She looked almost jealous, but Baby didn't pay her any mind. Jealousy was an ugly color, and Baby wouldn't deal with some girl she didn't know being attracted to Dean.

"Now that's you're with us, are you sure you love her, or was it just because she was the only girl that was single?" Jo asked, making Baby narrow her eyes.

"C'mon, Jo." Ash retorted, telling the girl to be quiet.

"I love her, Jo, and I'm not going to leave her just because there's a few new faces. She's my girl." Dean said, grabbing Baby's hand.

        Baby felt like her heart had jumped out of her chest with happiness. Dean was truly a special man, and Baby was so grateful for him. She had been secretly afraid that he would leave her once he had the chance, but it seemed she had nothing to worry about. He truly loved her, and nothing was going to change that.

"So, do you all live here together?" Baby asked, causing Jody to shake her head.

"No, we just have lunch together one a week to try and stay as close as we were when the world first ended." Jody said, smiling slightly.

"Yeah, it's two other houses we live in. Sam wanted to stay alone, just incase Dean showed up, so Dean would have space with him." Alex commented, making a smile appear on Baby's face.

"Does that mean I got a room?" Dean asked, and Sam nodded,"Good, Baby and I haven't had a good night's sleep in months." He commented, chuckling to himself.

"The showers work, and the stoves. You can have hot food." Bobby said, and Baby grinned.

"I would love a shower." She murmured, causing Dean to laugh.

"You guys mind if we go get showers real quick?" Dean asked,"It's been quite some time since we've had a shower." He added, and the others simply nodded in reply.

"There's two bathrooms, so you both can get cleaned up at the same time," Sam said,"and there's extra toothbrushes under the sinks, if you want to brush your teeth."

       Dean headed outside to grab their bags, before he brought them up the stairs with Baby. Sam offered to bring the rest of their stuff inside while they were showering, and Dean agreed to letting him do so. Baby was just so excited to get a nice shower, that she didn't care at all if the rest of their things ever came inside or not. She just wanted to finally feel clean after so long being covered in dirt and sweat...

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