Inside the Castle Walls

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Third Person POV:

Cinder the wolf walked towards the small crowd with the still living criminal in his maw, dragging him by his leg. He dropped the man, running over to his greatest friend, whining as he nudged her. Those before him stuck their swords out at him, all but one.

Shirayuki: "Hey, I don't know if you can understand me, but she's going to be alright. I'll help her." She spoke softly to the creature, staring in its eyes. "You should go for right now, trust me." She said, pleading with the wolf.

The wolf stared at her and back down at his friend, running off into the forest.

Zen: "I have so many questions right now like first of all-" He was cut off.

Kiki: "Zen, we should focus on getting her back to safety for now. The guards can take in and interrogate the criminals. Who knows how much longer she can hold on." The lady stated, carefully lifting up the light brown haired woman.

Zen: "Fine, but we need to sneak her in. We don't know if there are others after her." He stated, somewhat angry.

They took on horses back to the palace. Shirayuki riding with Zen, Kiki riding with Mitsuhide, and Obi riding with the mystery woman. They stopped a few meters away from the palace.

Zen: "Obi, take her to a bed in the hospital wing." He said staring at the cat eyed man.

Shirayuki: "Wait, let the chief court herbalist know that she needs a private room. That way nobody will see her." Zen nodded at her, as did Obi.

Obi gave his horse to Kiki, then darted off into the forest towards the palace. He snuck onto the palace grounds, knocking on the chief herbalists window. She had him climb in and place the girl on the bed of a private room.

Garrack: "You can leave Obi, I can take over from here." She said, having Ryuu make a special medication for her wound.


Hanaki's POV:

I woke up in a strange place. It was morning and I realized my goggles were no longer on...

Dang it, not good!

I got up slightly, only to be met with excruciating pain. I hissed and clutched my side. I turned my head to see the bag of my items that I had been hiding under my clothes.

Hanaki: "Ugh, great another injury. Why do I faint when I bleed, but when other people bleed it-" I quickly realized Cinder wasn't with me either.

I sighed gently, laying back down. I heard a knock at the door.

Hanaki: "Come in." I said, still weary of where I am and what happened.

I covered my eyes with my hands, only moving my fingers slightly to see who it was. It was Shirayuki, the girl who met Cinder.

Shirayuki: "I'm glad you're awake. Why are you covering your eyes? Did they get injured too?" She asked, slightly concerned.

Hanaki: "No, I have my reasons for covering my eyes. Plus, how do I know that you aren't working for those crooks, or for Kai?" I asked, slightly fuming.

Shirayuki: "Who's Kai?" She asked, quite confused.

I sighed, realizing that this is it, the end. I lifted my hands from my eyes and shut them.

Hanaki: "He's the one who sent those men after me. He wants me as part of his 'collection' and I refused." I began, putting collection in air quotes. "He wants me to marry him because of these." I said, staring at her, pointing at my eyes.

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