A Prince's Hospitality

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???: "May I come in madame?" I heard an unfamiliar voice ask, eyeing the door.

Hanaki: "Yes, of course." I said, carefully sitting up in my bed, letting out a slight hiss of pain.

I quickly grabbed the goggles nearby, fear of being abducted again seeping in. I was greeted by a man with shoulder length blonde hair and deep blue eyes. He was alone, no guard or anyone accompanying him.

Hanaki: "May I ask as to who you might be?" I said, feeling my hands jitter a bit out of nervousness.

This man looks normal, but his eyes say another story. I think I know him from the previous year I was in Clarines.

???: "I think you know by now those goggles aren't necessary around here. I promise I'm not here to abduct you, that's not really something I do." He said, me carefully removing the goggles, placing them on the dresser beside me. "Now as for who I am, I believe you already know." He said, a slightly playful tone in his voice.

Hanaki: "Izana Wistaria, First Prince of Clarines, son of Kain Wistaria and Haruto Wistaria." I said, my voice felt like it echoed in the small room.

Izana: "Yes, I must admit I never expected you to know the name of my father and mother though. That caught me a bit by surprise." He said, taking a seat in an empty chair nearby. "You were shot by an arrow while defending one of my younger brother's attendants, yes?" He asked, me nodding at him, he waited for me to speak again.

Hanaki: "It's my fault your highness, I shouldn't be here and because of that I've put them at risk. Even now, as I sit here in the safety of the castle, I know I still pose a threat to those within its walls." I said sadly, looking down at the blanket that covered me in the basic clothes I wore.

Izana: "That's actually what I came by to lecture you about, but seeing as you are fully aware of that fact, I guess I don't need to be here." He said, but not moving to get up, I stared him dead in the eyes.

Hanaki: "With all due respect your majesty, I know you have more to say." I said, seeing his expression still carefree and relaxed.

Izana: "You're correct Hanaki, my next question is how you can communicate with so many different animals? I even heard you entered town with a wolf as your guide while portraying a blind woman." He said, my face slightly shocked, figuring Prince Zen told him everything.

Hanaki: "Yes your highness. I figured it would be a good way to keep from being targeted. I guess I severely underestimated my enemy, which is completely foolish of me." I said, slightly angry at myself, placing my head in a palm. "Also, with all due respect your majesty, I do not actually talk to animals. I study their behaviors and use that to my advantage." I said, staring shyly at him.

Izana: "I see. From your experience, you sound like you've had to even treat an animal's injuries." He commented, staring out the window as he spoke.

Hanaki: "Yes your highness, I've treated several animal injuries based on what they eat while feeling ill and what my parents have taught me." I said, him looking back at me with intrigue. "Our home burned down a while ago. A pack of wolves took me in, and I've been raised in the wilds of the forests ever since." I said plainly, staring over at his highness.

Izana: "An interesting background, skill set, and a fierce inner strength. You lack confidence, but I think we can work on that." He said, me responding with a confused expression. "I think I'll visit you once you've recovered, that alright Hanaki?" He asked, me nodding in response.

I then heard the irate voice of an individual down the hall, one that matched the young Prince Zen I had met the day prior.

Izana: "It seems my brother has found out about my visit. Either way, my job here is done. I think having you in the palace will be rather interesting to say the least." He said, opening the door. "If you plan on letting that wolf of yours inside, make sure it is well behaved." He said, before promptly closing the door.

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