The Baron and The Journal

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Shirayuki: "I'll give you two some privacy since it might be a bit of a sensitive topic to get into details about." I nodded at her, and she left.

I was now left with the cat eyed man before me.

He's rather handsome. dark thoughts, away dark thoughts.

I sighed, beginning to tell my tale.

Hanaki: "He's a baron in Tanbarun. When I first met him, he told me he was a collector. I didn't understand at that time, until I visited him at his mansion. All the maids, butlers, and cooks of his household staff....all had something....unusual about them. Each one somehow indebted to him." I paused for a moment, looking at him.

He nodded for me to continue the story.

Hanaki: "I never was, but Kai was determined to collect me. He had plans to have me marry him. Obviously though, I never wanted too. Ever since then, he has sent many bands of mercenaries or other criminals to catch me and bring me back to him." I sighed finally done telling my tale.

Obi: "That story doesn't sound to far off from what happened to Red." He said, staring at me.

Hanaki: "What do you mean?" I asked him.

Obi: "The Prince of Tanbarun asked her to become his concubine and she refused. She ran away one night to the neighboring kingdom where she met Prince Zen. The two have been inseparable ever since." He sighed, seeming to care deeply for Shirayuki. "She also almost gave into becoming his concubine when Master was poisoned, but he pulled through in the nick of time." I felt a little shocked knowing that the Prince of Clarines was one of those who was fighting off the criminals.

I looked down at my fingers slightly disheartened. I felt bad for Shirayuki that something like that happened to her.

No wonder she is so brave.

Obi: "The more I think about it, I believe Master wanted me to also come here and thank you as well. You did save one of his friends from being killed." He said as I looked back up at him.

Hanaki: "Non-sense, if I hadn't come here in the first place, she wouldn't have been in any danger. It's truly my fault so I kind of deserve this fate." I said, looking back down dejected.

It really is all my fault isn't it?

I then felt a hand lift my head up. I was now face to face once again with the cat eyed man.

Is he about to kiss me?!?! Why is he so close?!?!?!?

My face felt a little warm. I heard him laugh a little.

Hanaki: "What's so funny?" I said, slightly defensive.

Obi: "Apologies Madam, your face made for some great entertainment." He said smiling.

I just stuck my tongue out at him causing him to laugh more. Then I crossed my arms defensively. Shirayuki returned not long after, with what I could only assume to be the Second Prince of Clarines, as well as his personal guards. They seemed shocked for a moment seeing my two different colored eyes but brushed it off soon after.

Zen: "Find out much Obi?" He asked staring at the cat eyed man.

Obi: "Everything actually, I'm still unsure about the wolf we saw yesterday though." He said getting up and approaching the group.

Zen: "Something tells me we won't have to ask too many questions about it." He said staring at me.

Hanaki: "He's like a dog, just bigger and stronger. My family used to train and befriend many animals of the outdoors....before they all died." I said looking back down at my hands clearly uncomfortable. "I've continued that tradition by exploring many kingdom's forests and recording my findings in my journal. Not just training, but animal behaviors." I said pulling out my journal.

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