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Alyvia had been glued to the computer monitor she was sitting in front of all morning, trying to get in last-minute edits on pictures she was sent at the last second while still trying to work on yearbook pages

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Alyvia had been glued to the computer monitor she was sitting in front of all morning, trying to get in last-minute edits on pictures she was sent at the last second while still trying to work on yearbook pages.

The sound of something dropping, followed by a gasp, caused the girl's eyes to finally snap away from the screen.

"Compliments of Zeke. Be careful; they're still hot." Chad warned Taylor as he made his way over to the Bolton girl.

"But he doesn't know they're gone yet. So you have to eat all the evidence." Troy explained.

"Hey, pretty girl." Chad spoke, wrapping his arm around the girl's shoulder as he placed a kiss on her temple, making her lean back into him as she held onto his arm. "I haven't seen you all day."

"Yeah, sorry about that." Alyvia sighed, placing a kiss on his arm. "I've just been really busy."

"Kissing up to the yearbook editors. Very smart move." Gabriella spoke, causing the couple to look over in her direction.

"Well, Chad's hoping for two pages on himself. Maybe even a third page just for his hair." Troy announced, making the group laugh.

"Hey, what's right is right." Chad stated, causing Alyvia to nod with a smile as she turned her attention back to her computer screen. "Hoops, by the way, could you take me after school to check out that tuxedo?"

Troy nodded his head, causing the four teens to glance over at the Bolton girl, but she didn't peep a word as she clicked away on her mouse, causing Chad to glance over at his friends for help.

"Tuxedo? For what?" Taylor asked, causing Chad to smile at the McKessie girl gratefully.

"You know, for the prom." Chad answered, speaking a little louder as he glanced down at Alyvia, but her eyes were locked on the picture on the screen. "Liv."

"Hmm." Alyvia hummed, not glancing away from the computer screen.

"Did you hear what I said?" Chad asked, causing her to finally look away.

"Oh, no, sorry. I've just been so stressed with getting these pictures done and..." Alyvia rambled, letting out a deep breath before smiling up at the boy. "What was it that you were saying?"

"Well, I was just saying..."

The sound of the bell caused some of the teens in the room to begin making their way out of the door as they made their way to their next period.

"Sorry, I really have to run. But we'll talk later." Alyvia said, standing up from her seat, causing the boy to nod, making her smile as she leaned in, placing a quick kiss on the boy's lips before she quickly made her way out of the door.

Chad looked over at the others, dumbfounded, making Gabriella send him a small smile as Taylor shrugged her shoulders.

"Come on, dude." Troy spoke, placing his hands on the Danforth boys shoulders, turning him around towards the door, pushing towards it. "We've got some work to do."

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