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i came into school the next day with two cartons of milk in my hand

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i came into school the next day with two cartons of milk in my hand. one for me and one for y/n. i quickly found class four and walked inside.

everyone looked over to me while i looked around the classroom. i didn't see y/n anywhere and school started in seven minutes.

there were no familiar faces in class four either. makki and mattsun were in another class and oikawa was all the way in class six.

however, even though i didn't seem to know anyone, everyone seemed to know me. there were a few whispered conversations that i heard my name in.

"hey that's iwaizumi hajime."


"what do you mean, who? he's on the hockey team. most attractive guy too." i turned away from the girls who were sitting at the front desk and walked outside the class, not wanting any attention from them.

i leaned against the door while waiting for y/n to show up. if she even decided to come to school.

a few people looked at me curiously as they walked by. i don't blame them. co-captain of the hockey team standing with milk cartons in my hands. i've also been told i have an intimidating resting face and looked like i was glaring at everyone all the time.

"what are you doing out here?" my eyes snapped over to the girl making her way toward me. y/n looked at me before looking down at the cartons of milk warily.

"milk." i held it out for her.

y/n didn't take it and just stared at the carton. "why are you bringing me milk?" she dropped all her weight into one hip and one hand fell to her other leg.

"cause why not." i pushed the milk closer to her and she still just looked at it. "can you take it now and not make me late for class?"

y/n finally took it out of my hand and turned her body toward her class. "you can go to class now. thanks for the milk, but you don't have to do anything or get me anything."

"i know, but i still feel bad. it was a hard fall and i practically fell on top of you." i rubbed the back of my neck with my hand. "just let me do this small favors."

"it's okay, honestly. it was yesterday and i can still walk so i'm okay." she bounced on her knees to show me her legs still worked.

"are you bruised?"

"iwaizumi, it's two minutes til class starts. we should go inside." y/n started walking into class and clearly avoiding my question. "thanks again for the milk." she held it up and shook it before she disappeared into her classroom, making me lose sight of her.

i walked back to my class and focused on my schoolwork until the end of class. me, oikawa, makki, and mattsun met up for lunch afterward and spent that time together, usually going over hockey tactics.

don't blame me - h. iwaizumiWhere stories live. Discover now