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his hand slid up my tank top and he leaned back, breaking out kiss to look at me

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his hand slid up my tank top and he leaned back, breaking out kiss to look at me. his eyes stayed on my face while his hand kept moving more up.

"fuck, you sure?" he cursed and asked again as if he couldn't believe what was happening. to be honest, i could barely believe what was happening.

my hand slid into his hair and i pulled his mouth back to mine. with my other hand, i pushed his hand up my tank top, right under my bra.

he kissed me back eagerly and his fingers danced along the bottom wire of my bra. i pulled on his hair lightly, experimenting it out. when he let out a low groan, i smiled against his lips at the sound and kept that in mind.

"come on, big man." i urged him to move his fingers up more. "what's up? cat got your tongue?" i ran my tongue over his bottom lip.

"no, but i want yours." he tilted his hips up and i could feel the hardness of him through our clothes.

his hand slipped underneath the cup of my bra and grabbed my whole boob in his hand, squeezing. i arched my back into him and his thumb circled around my nipple. slow circles which felt like teasing torture.

"thought you had to change your clothes." he said, leaning back and pushing my tank top up. "need some help with that?"

"yes." i raised my arms and let him slip the tank top over my head, leaving me in my bra.

"what about these leggings?" iwaizumi's hands traveled behind me and grabbed my ass. "gotta take these off too, don't we?"

"yes." my vocabulary was quite limited. i blame all that on iwaizumi's hand all over my body. problem was, i wanted it underneath my clothes.

"come on, trouble." iwaizumi pushed me forward gently and i was now back on my two feet. "take them off." he smacked my ass when i stood back up.

"take what off?" i questioned and looked down at myself. iwaizumi draped one arm over the back of my chair and spread his legs apart, manspreading.

if i could take one mental picture in my entire life, this would be the moment i wanted to take a picture of. iwaizumi sitting in my chair the way he was right now.

"whatever parts of your body you want my hands on." he replied, eyes running over my entire body. "mouth too if you're lucky."

my face heated when i realized i was about to strip in front of this man. but the man sitting in front of me also looked like he was undressing me with his eyes.

i grabbed onto the waistband of my leggings and pulled them down as gracefully as i could without moving onto one foot.

i tossed the leggings to the side and contemplated taking off my bra and underwear. but iwaizumi was impatient.

he was back on his feet and walked over to me, taking long strides. his hands gripped onto my hips and pulled my body against his.

my mouth was back on his and he walked me backwards before lowering me down on my bed. he climbed over me, supporting his weight with his arms as he kissed me hungrily.

i wrapped my arms around his neck and let my fingers sink into his hair. he moved his lips down to my jaw and then to my neck. his tongue coming out and letting it lap on my neck, making me go crazy.

my back was arched into him and my legs were spread to wrap around his waist. he seemed to have his fun with my neck and now moved down to my chest.

he used the opportunity of arched back to reach his hand back and unclasped my bra. the second my chest was bare, iwaizumi mouth and tongue were all over it.

one hand was palming one of my boobs and he had his mouth on my other one. he used a combination of sucking and circling his tongue around the nipple.

i kept one hand on the back of his head, keeping his head in place. whatever plans he had in store for us was out of my mind and i just wanted to stay in bed for the rest of the day.

one of his hands lowered down my chest and stomach, stopping right before my underwear. i arched my hips into his hand and felt his lips turn into a smile.

"greedy one, aren't you?" he said against my skin.

"you started it." i said breathlessly.

he glanced over at the clock on my desk and i almost whined when he leaned up a little. his eyes trailed over my body once more, his tongue pressing against the inside of his cheek.

his fingers hook into the waistband of my underwear on my hip, not going any further. i stared up at him and he looked back to me.

"should get changed, shouldn't you?" he questioned and in this moment, i hated iwaizumi hajime.

"i hate you." i leaned up on my elbows and he grinned at me.

"don't want to rush this with you." he stood up and my eyes shamelessly went to the tent in his pants. he held his hands out for me and i accepted them, letting him pull me up.

"i want you to rush this with me." i said frustratedly, sexually frustrated some might say. he stuck two fingers under my chin and lifted my head up, kissing me.

i wrapped my arms around his neck and pressed my whole body against his. he kept one arm around my waist and the other was holding my chin in his hand.

i shifted my hips so that it rolled against his and a low groan came from the back of his throat. the arm on my waist pulled me closer and against him and i was ready to climb this man like a tree.

i turned us around and now he was the one lowered onto my bed. i moved to be on top of him and his hands were now grabbing my hips.

we continued kissing and my hips were now grinding against his. he kept making sounds that were trapped in his mouth and i was desperate to hear those sounds.

"fuck, y/n." he groaned when i pressed myself harder against him. his hand traveled back into the waistband of my underwear and this time, it went further.

i've never wanted a man in my pants this badly until now.

his fingers kept moving down until he found my center and all the wetness that was there. his fingers moved around and was rubbing on my clit, making me moan into his mouth.

he continued playing with me until i moved my body with his hand, chasing more of the feeling. i was chanting the word "more" against his lips and he complied.

one finger slipped inside me and i couldn't even kiss him back. i broke the kiss first and leaned my head against him while he moved his finger in and out of me at a steady pace.

he was looking down at his finger moving in and out and then added a second finger, curling it inside of me. my back arched into him and he moved his mouth down to my neck.

"don't stop." i was basically riding his fingers at this point and chasing my release. the combination of his lips and tongue on my neck and his fingers inside of me was a feeling i would remember forever.

i don't know if it was cause he was skilled with his fingers or if my body was craving an orgasm, but i was coming on his fingers before i knew it.

"that's my girl." he didn't pause my fingers even after i was done and was kissing my cheek and side of my head. he didn't stop until i slightly whined when it was too much.

he pulled his fingers out and i slumped against him. "what about you?" i said and laid my head down on his chest. his hand, not the one that was just in my underwear, reached up to the back of my head and ran his fingers through it.

"don't worry about me, trouble." he reassured me. "i could die right now and die as a happy man." i was laying over his heartbeat and could hear his heart beating.

it was peaceful. i could lay here for ages and not get bored, just listening to his heartbeat was enough for me. i've never been more thankful to be pulled away from the ice rink until today.

until iwaizumi.

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⏰ Last updated: 7 days ago ⏰

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