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"can i do the honors of walking you home tonight?" i was waiting outside the girl's locker room for a specific girl

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"can i do the honors of walking you home tonight?" i was waiting outside the girl's locker room for a specific girl.

y/n was zipping up her bag when she walked out and she looked up at me when i asked her the question. a small smile pulled at her lips when she saw me and i came to the conclusion that i loved that little smile.

she walked up to me and stopped at my side. "i suppose you can." she was standing with the smallest gap between us and i wanted to close that gap more than anything. physical intimacy is something i find myself craving from her these days.

"let's get you home then." i threw an arm around her shoulders and pulled her closer against my side. i could feel that her body tensed up from the moment before it relaxed a bit.

"gonna be my escort?" she questioned.

"in which way?" i teased and she hit her hip against mine.

"not in the way you're thinking." i opened the door for y/n and she walked ahead of me through the open doors. while i was behind her, i swooped down and grabbed the bag from her hand, tossing it effortlessly over my shoulder.

she turned around and seemed almost surprised at my action. "why do you look so surprised?" i asked her and returned to her side. "do i not seem like the gentleman type?" she just shook her head before continuing her walk.

"what if i told you that you seem like a pervert type?" she teased and pinched my side. i swatted her hand away, but also managed to intertwine my fingers into hers at the same time.

"hey." i furrowed my brows. "i am not."

"just teasing you." she lightly swung our hands back and forth which i thought was adorable. but then she seemed to realize her action and paused our swinging arms.

our walk was mostly quiet, but i didn't mind it. being within her presence is a privilege enough. her hand in mine was a heavy bonus.

the kisses i'm going to try and get later from this girl was like a reward. maybe i was some superhero in my past life because that seemed like the only explanation on how i caught this girl in my arms.

"you're oddly quiet today." y/n commented and i squeezed her hand in reply. she looked over to me with slightly widened eyes in curiosity.

"just enjoying you and the walk."

"how is the walk?" she asked and lightly squeezed my hand back in reply. i ended up holding her hand just a little tighter as if she was going to slip away from me at any second.

"average walk, it's the girl who's holding my hand that makes this walk worth it." i lifted her hand up to my lips and kissed the back of her hand.

y/n looked at her hand against my lips were her own lips slightly parted. her eyes moved up to my eyes and away from my lips and her hand.

"you have a lot of lines don't you?" she said after a few seconds of her staring.

"only for you."

"i don't know how many romantic movies you watch, but that line is what the player would say to try and charm the girl." she held onto my hand and started to practically drag me behind her while we walked.

"you watch romance movies?" i focused on one part of her words.

"shut up."

"and i am a player, i'll have you know. i'm a hockey player." i beamed and i swear she rolled her eyes at me. but her mouth lifted up into a smile, so i consider that a win.

"very smartass comment." she turned into the alley to enter her neighborhood and i was yanked along with her.

"thanks." i noticed that she was walking ahead of me and pulled her back so she stumbled into my chest. i caught her effortlessly in my arms and looked down at her while she looked up at me. "hey stranger."

"i think you're the trouble in our friendship."

i lifted her back up to her feet and somehow found myself in the same position i was a few days ago. her against the wall and me in front of her. "friendship?" i questioned and wrapped an arm around her waist.

"friendship." she shrugged, acting all innocent.

"you kiss all your friends the way you kiss me?" i dipped my head down so our faces were inches apart. she angled her head in a direction that made it seem like she wanted to kiss me. but i knew this girl and knew that she did want to kiss me.

maybe not as much as i wanted to kiss her. i don't think anyone would ever reach as much wanting in their body as much as i had for this girl.

"no, you're a different type of friend." she seemed to hesitantly hold onto the sides of my shirt.

"really?" i taunted her and leaned in a little closer. "what kind of friend am i then?"

"take a guess."

"your best friend?" my tongue darted out between my lips and i noticed her eyes dropping down to the movement.

"not quite."

"your favorite friend."

"mhm, not exactly."

"i can make myself your favorite friend." i brushed my lips against hers and leaned back just for her to lean forward and follow my lips.

"you sound quite confident."

"i'm very persuasive." i nodded and wrapped one arm around her waist. "especially when it comes to the things that i want."

"and what does iwaizumi hajime want?" i pulled my head back a little to look at this girl in front of me. i know i told her that i didn't mind if we weren't going to be in a relationship, but i was lying.

terribly lying.

how could i not want a relationship with her? in the short time i've met her, she just stood out. even if i met her in a sea of people, i would've found my way to her.

she was determined, didn't give up easy, beautiful, didn't even know i was a hockey player at first, and her personality had me hooked from the first night i talked to her.

so, how could i not want a girl like her?


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