🎟️🌸❤️Dombox sleepover part 2

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It was late at night. Dom was asleep, on top of Boombox, nuzzling his chest and murmuring in his sleep from time to time. The only noises were from the clock on the wall, ticking.

Boombox yawned. He blinked slowly, still drowsy, opening his eyes, only to be greeted by the darkness of the room, and a peacefully asleep Dom on top of him. Boombox couldn't help but smile at the sight of him. He gently pat Dom's head with his hand. Unconsciously, Dom nuzzled closer, his wing stretching before falling down next to him. He's adorable.. Boombox thought. The sight was just heartwarming.

Carefully, as to not awaken Dom, he reached to the side, grabbing his phone and lowering the brightness of the screen. It was... 3:42 am?! Why did Boombox awaken at this time??.. Oh.. Right. He had to use the bathroom.

How would he get off the couch with Dom still on him..

He had an idea.

Boombox carefully slipped from underneath Dom, who murmured a swear word. He went to use the restroom, then returned. He slowly picked up the still sleeping Dom and carried him, bridal style, into his bedroom, where he gently placed him on the very soft bed. Boombox grabbed a blanket, slithered into bed and covered the two of them.

He yawned. Dom instinctively wiggled closer to Boombox, cuddling with him.

The two slept peacefully for the rest of the night :3

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