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DOCTOR MARGO NEVEAU WAS CROSSING the white corridors of the installation with haste. The whitish lights hanging from the ceiling ran in the opposite direction, just like the time passing for her. The audience was about to start, and its central piece, Neveau, was missing. The Board had finally gathered to watch the results of the experiment, and she couldn't wait to show it. Her high heels produced loud sounds as she walked across the chess-pattern floor beneath. However, she paid no attention to the path she was walking; she traversed it daily. Instead, her focus was directed to the small green notebook she held in her hands, covered in tiny notes that her eyes eagerly scanned. The prominent French scientist was putting the finishing touches on her speech. Her long, black hair, which she had not tied up, floated behind her, trying to keep up with her hurried pace.

Walking up a set of stairs, she found herself facing dark metal doors. Neveau left the small notebook aside, in her left lab coat pocket, and picked up an ID badge from the same compartment. The security in that place had been greatly improved since the beginning of her research. The presence of the Organization and the high investment in her scientific undertaking indicated how the Cygnus expected only success. She would be there that night, and so Neveau had to make an impression. The card was then pressed against a small piece of metal to the right of the doors.

With a rumble, the massive steel blast doors opened, revealing a tall amphitheater. With green marble walls, the extension of the room couldn't be measured; it was covered in darkness. Mostly because of the number of lamps were installed in its center, where her presentation would take place, but also in the name of anonymity. Many of those who were there preferred not to have their identities revealed.

However, one of the silhouettes stood out from the rest. Surrounded by bulky black figures, a woman's tall and elegant posture promptly showed Neveau that she was none other than the one known as The Cygnus, the head of their organization. She had never known her personally, and few could affirm that knew her face. She was one of four silhouettes that stood apart from the rest of the people, seated in reserved seats in the corner of the room.

After the quick inspection of the room, Neveau turned her attention to the experiment. As she expected, a suitcase awaited her in the center of the room, in a table near one of the most intricate machines she had ever the chance to study. As always, she would conduct the experiment on her own. Not a single scientist from the lab volunteered to assist her. It was too dangerous, they said. But she, of all people, knew that her work required sacrifice. And she would be rewarded.

She climbed a few steps and positioned herself in the center of a wooden stage. Approaching a microphone, she cleared her throat.

_Messieurs. Good evening.

Her French accent resonated in the hall.

_Tonight, you are about to experience a revolution in the sciences of this world. Following the instructions of our most prestigious guest... – She pointed, with an open palm and a respectful smile, in the direction of the prominent dark figure of the Cygnus. – ...I was tasked with revitalizing the work of a researcher that once served our grand organization.

She picked up the microphone and started walking around the table in the stage.

_As you are aware, this project might be the key to major changes in our society. And humbly, I present you the choice to control it. – She said, calmly.

Neveau put down the microphone onto the table to open the black briefcase, with the organization symbol. While doing so, she could hear the murmurs behind her.

With the last lock turned, the red silk inside of the suitcase was revealed. Inside, there was a cylinder, containing few strands of white hair. She picked up the microphone again.

_My predecessor... A mentor of some sort... Created this machine... – Lamps were lit to her left, revealing the extensive steam engine machinery standing just on the side of the stage. – To transform these few strands of hair... – She picked the cylinder and displayed its content. – into new life.

Surprise was spread throughout the hall, and with the corner of her eye, Neveau noticed that even the Cygnus was interested. She had made the impact she wanted.

_Of course, the technology back then was fairly limited, but even so it was possible to create this pièce de résistance, capable of the most grandeur deeds. My research has yet a lot to uncover, but for the time being, it shall be enough to show you the wonders of the future.

Carefully, she placed the cylinder in a circled slot in the top of the machine, which was recently adapted for a better performance. Closing the receptacle, it was time to put the machine to work.

With the lift of a lever, the apparatus began steaming, and loud noises scared the crowd of spectators. What the machine did could be accomplished over weeks in a controlled laboratory - but years of research by her predecessor managed to give Margo Neveau an extensively complex machinery that could give her the same result in seconds.

After all the vapor dissipated, a small rectangular compartment ejected a circular glass plate. On top of it was something unexpected - a human embryo, with apparently nothing inside. The many darkened figures, however, didn't show any surprise.

_It might not be relevant to you. – Margo Neveau was expecting that to happen. She picked the plate from the compartment. – But this is the primordial form of life. Inside it, you will find the first few cells of a growing organism. It was made from the remnants of someone that is dead. – The crowd emitted a unison murmur of disbelief. She looked at the embryo in her hands, with a loving gaze. – This particular specimen will evolve into a full grown-up adult in a matter of weeks.

The crowd went quiet, discontent with the experiment. Margo smiled.

_Luckily, we find ourselves en avance of schedule. We already prepared a subject. – Murmurs filled the hall. – And he can't wait to see you.

The steel blast doors opened once again, and bright lights from the corridor shone inside the hall. Small shouts of surprise were echoed throughout the place.

The black silhouette of a man stood by the door, accompanied closely by the company's men.

An albino.

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