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What happens when you fall in love with your own best friend...

But you can't end up together because of society and family..

The fear of losing that person and the fear of losing that friendship is so bad and real..

In the end, you take a step, without knowing anything and just about your family, which hurt your lover, at that time, what is appropriate?

To leave your lover?
To leave your family???
Please tell me your thoughts in comments 🤌

This story is about Taehyung and jungkook...

Taehyung means tiger and jungkook means bunny..

Both of them have been in love for over a year...

Until one day....

Jungkook pov~

I was crying while sitting on my couch as taehyung entered the home...

"Is it true? That you are finally going to marry YN?" He asked again.. even tho he knows that from 1 month..

"Yes tae, but, you are not leaving me right?" I asked as I got up and cleaned my tears..

"Jungkook, I don't want you to marry her" he said making me shocked.. cause I still remember his all promises..

"B-but, when I asked you for merriage you said no everytime, and said that I have to take care of my family... So I-.. and and, I even asked you right? And you said yes too.. then why now? Suddenly?" I asked him..

"Yes, I said no, but it is because, I wanted to achieve something so that when I put my proposal in front of your family, they allow us.. but no, you can't wait for me.. I forgot about that" he said making me laugh on myself.

"But, how would I know about it taehyung? That you gonna merry me. Cause I still remember that whenever I talked about staying together you just ignored it.. and and wait, you even promise me to stay with me even when I merry with someone else" I remind him and held his hand..

"Oh wow..." He said and smirked at me..

"What taehyung? You did promise me, you did tell me to continue our story even when we got merry with someone else.. what about it?" I asked..

"I don't want to now.. you are making me feel like a third person here... So just leave me" he said..

For sometime I can't even speak...

"Taehyung.... Y-you are again going? ..... Please d-don't..... Cause if you leave this time then I can't handle myself.... Please" I begged him with low yet hearable voice...

He didn't even speak anything..

"Yk taehyung, how much it hurts when you do like this?" I asked .

"What?" He finally speaked.

"You come and go from my life, like it's nothing, and wait, you just go and I am the one who begged you to come , to stay with me... Even when I feel like I have no self respect, then too.. I do everything it takes to make sure you don't go... But you " I said with a calm voice...

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