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3rd person pov

Jungkook was sleeping on that dining table,.

Taehyung comes to him and sits beside him..

He started Patting his head gently and his eyes are teary..

He also doesn't like to see jungkook like this, but he can't control his hatred and anger towards him...

"I hope you will come to me, I will be waiting for you" he said in very low voice, he just doesn't want jungkook to wake up. ....

He was opening the rope of Jungkook hands and legs, as jungkook's phone ring.

He went to sofa, where his phone was and it was namjoon's call.

He was going to pick up but the call ended.

He again went to call him but he received namjoon's messages, as he open the chats...

Joon hyung:
We will be there around 11
And don't make us food, we already taken it.
And also, don't think about taehyung more, i and jin will handle him

After reading the messages taehyung again get angry,.

'how dare he said everything to them' he thinks

Jungkook is now wake up and saw Taehyung in full anger with his phone..

He slowly approach him and ask..

"What happened?"

Taehyung angrily look at him and get up.

He pulled his hair and said.

"I thought that I am melting for you, I didn't have to hurt you anymore, but yk, you deserve it..." He said..

"B-but what happened?" Jungkook again asked..

"I don't have to tell you everything,.." taehyung replied

"And, you forgot something" he said,.

As jungkook remember that he forgot to tell him about namjoon and jin..

"I-i was going to tell you yesterday b-but y-you-" he can't even complete his sentence and recived a harsh slap..

"You are again blaming me" taehyung angrily said..

"N-no, i-i just didn't get time to t-talk" jungkook replied, the tears are forming in his eyes..

"When they come, I want you to obey me like a slave... Remember it, one mistake and you are dead" taehyung held his chin and said this..

"Now, go and clean your mess, they are coming at 11" he said and left him...

Jungkook just stood there for sometime, and then went to clean the dining table first, after that he went to take a shower...

While he was taking shower, someone entered from behind,.

And we all know it was taehyung,.

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