770 16 11

Jk pov

I was sleeping when I received a slap

I woke up and showed Taehyung was hovering over me.

"What are you doing?, leave me" I tried but then I realised that I am still tied up..

"This is the SEVENTH DAY and yk who are coming?" Taehyung said holding my chin.

"Your parents" taehyung started laughing... Ik what he gonna do,. He gonna rect the same way as I did last time.

"N-no no no.. tae don't" I tried to convince him but he never heard of me.

"Shh~, they are already here, and will come in house at anytime, I called them and they said that they will be here in 15 minutes" taehyung said.

When he even did this all? And how?..

"Until that, let's make your day Good~" as he started making out with me.

I was too tired and the wound was also hurting rn.

He was continuously kissing me and biting me, and it's feel like he is biting my wouns on purpose.

He then started going down while kissing me,. And then stopped at my already hard member.

"Umm I can see that I can still make you hard" he tease me and without saying anything else he just take my whole member in his mouth and started giving me pleasure.

The pleasure was good, but it has no time and turn it into pain.

He was hurting me and I am aching my back .

As we heard the door bell. But I don't want him to stop.

"No no don't don't stop please please" I beg him to carry on..

But he stopped and said "that's all, I'll give you fun this whole fucking day" and went to open my hand and then the door...


get up and went to take a quick shower.

"What he gonna do? Is he gonna take revenge? Oh god, just save me today, cause when he comes to take Revange no one can handle him" I pray to lord.

I come out and show there is that same harness and that same white shirt which I wore last day.

And there was a note

"Wear it baby boy~"

And I ignored it and was going to take out another clothes as taehyung entered the room with a smirk pn his face

"I knew it that you will not wear it" he said and come closer to me.

He grabbed my throat and push me to the bed.

He open my leg forcefully and I tried to stop him but he is much more powerful than me.

Then take out a vibrator from his pocket and shoved inside my hole...

I scream and arch my back because of pain..

He then get up and I was laying there breathing heavily.

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