Chapter Nineteen

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Wichapas' kisses felt like sparklers, sizzling and snapping over Build's skin. They traveled down the back of his neck; one for each vertebra. They caused his body to stir, limbs coming back alive one by one. There was a grip around his waist and a great heat against his back. He sighed and a soft moan escaped him.

"Biu," Wichapas called.

Build moaned again, and it was a complaint. Wichapas brushed his hair back and laid a kiss on his cheek. In reply Build caressed the arm that wrapped around his torso, it tightened.

"I will make you coffee." Wichapas uttered the magic words against those flushed cheeks, and almond eyes finally agreed to open.

Another long sigh expanded Build's torso, arms extended in search of a stretch. It pressed him further against that great heat behind him. Bible's body was exactly what he remembered it to be like: warm granite. The fabric of their pajamas was barely a barrier between their thighs.

Upon the realization a great heat originated in the pit of Build's stomach. It exploded inside him with a quick swoosh, filling him up completely. The next kiss that Wichapas pressed over his neck was a violent wind that only helped in inciting the flames. Build squirmed and closed his eyes tightly trying to control himself.

Bible must have noticed his husband's struggle because he loosened his hold and pressed his forehead to the back of his head. Build tried his best to keep his breath steady, but his husband wasn't backing away and his body was eager for attention. His thighs tightened and his toes curled as his breath tickled his neck.

"I don't want to let go yet." It was Wichapas' turn to whine.

Build agreed, but his body couldn't be trusted. Taking courage from the grogginess of sleep, he broke away from their embrace to turn and face his husband. Tangling their legs and laying his head over Wichapas' pillow. One hand was tucked under his cheek while he placed the other in between them.

Looking up at Wichapas' soft obsidian eyes was a blissful reassurance. Build was still heated, but it was more like a controlled simmer. Bible tossed his hair back and propped his head on his hand to better look down at him.

They stared, in silence. Build's hand came up to rest over his husband's cheek. He smiled as he nuzzled it, kissing its palm. Build tried his best to memorize every detail, especially the tenderness of the skin under his fingers. The usually sharp cheekbones were rounded and relaxed as his gaze looked on so adoringly; a lax jaw due to the smile that stretched over his lips.

It was a connecting moment. One that allowed Build to sink into his new persona — the man who had a lover to adore and admire. It was no longer a far away thought that made him feel guilty and alone. He felt lucky to finally find that lover in the man he thought he had lost everything to, especially his idea of a family. Build was still surprised by the sudden shift in privilege, but he was too starved to try to put a stop to it himself.

"I'll work on coffee, while you wash-up, okay?" Wichapas suggested, and Build nodded, though reluctant to move. He wanted to be adored a little more, for his husband's hand to stroke his hair back a little longer.

In the bathroom, as he washed his hands, Build noticed an addition. A new toothbrush in the cup holder. It was dark blue. After carefully eliminating outrages possibilities, he decided that it must be for him. Build wasn't sure why it made him so surprised, but he smiled as he brushed.

Wichapas greeted him with a large mug of coffee as an offering. He had arm resting over the kitchen counter. Build smiled his approval, his offering was the hollow of the dimples of his cheeks.

"I'm sorry, I was so tired I fell asleep reading to Teddy again last night," Wichapas recalled. "We didn't get a chance to talk about today. Is that why you came over last night?"

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