Chapter 1 - Awakening

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"True hope always dies last."


"Starshine Cookie... You must wake up!"

She wished she could. But she felt weak, sore, lightheaded. So many things at the same time. Where was her reason to live, to wake up? Pain... Too much to handle...

"I know you're tired. All the pain you felt. And I'm afraid there's a lot more to come. But you wouldn't have suffered so much, if only..."

This was familiar, in a way. Had she been here before? She couldn't remember. Where is here, anyway?

"It was you who always wasted no time to do what's right, so why are you hesitating? Why aren't you waking up?!"

Wake up... How? Why should she? She didn't even have any idea what this voice was talking about.

"You're one of the most heroic Cookies ever. Glorious, noble, admirable. Even when you deny it, these are all traits you posses."

Her traits? None of this made sense at all. What does that have to do with-

"So go back to being all those things and wake up! For your journey has yet to end..."


Starshine Cookie shot awake with a jolt, her eyes wide. Pain shot through her entire body as soon as she did so however. A hiss forced itself out of her mouth, as she held her head in her hands, gripping at her tufts of blonde hair in agony.

'Where am I?'

'What happened?'

'Who... am I?' 

The immense throbbing of her head didn't stop at that though. She took a few seconds to just sit there, trying her best to calm it down. What was that just now?! Why can't she remember anything?!

For some reason, she felt like crying... screaming...

Her breathing picked up speed, as did her heart rate. Well, so much for calming down. Both panic and fear surged through Starshine Cookie's body as her blue eyes pricked with tears and darted around the room frantically. Trying to find something, anything that could refresh her memory. 

But Starshine Cookie didn't recognize this place. She noticed herself being in a soft, silky bed, which confused her and just messed with her brain even more. As if her head didn't already hurt enough. 'What...?-'  She didn't even know what to ask herself. Where was she? Suddenly, a voice became audible and rang through her ears. Or, maybe she's just hearing it now.

"Hey, look! She's awake!"

Two females stepped out of the shadows, gazes dimly glowing in the dark room. One had a frilly pink dress and eyes, thigh-lenght blond hair adorned by hot pink streaks running through it. The other was wearing a white uniform and had a golden hairclip decorating her equally-so colored straight hair that faded to brown. 

"Are you okay?" Starshine Cookie's grip around the bed sheets tightened as one of them talked to her. Such a simple question, is it not? Yet... Her lips parted slightly, but no words came out. Though she wanted to ask who these Cookies were, the soreness of her throat gave her no chance to do so. The pink one smiled a little.

"Right... you don't know us. My name is Kouign-Amann Cookie, this is Financier Cookie." Both bowed down a little. Financier Cookie continued now. "This is the Creme Republic, a place where us republicans live under the reign of our consul. You may be wondering why you're here. A few days ago, we intended to expand our home a bit to a small monument on a hill at the borders. And we found you lying there."

Confusion took place in Starshine Cookie's face once more. A... monument? Kouign-Amann Cookie seemed to notice her visible bewilderment. "Its entrance was blocked by some rocks, and once we managed to get through, you were lying inside." That didn't help.

Starshine Cookie stayed silent. What the heck should she have answered to that? Financier Cookie's light brown eyes fixated her. "May we have your name?" Both her and Kouign-Amann Cookie looked at her with a slightly curious expression. 

Really now? I mean... Starshine Cookie's supposed to tell some random strangers her name? It's the only thing she can remember.. Though with hesitation, asked one decided to give this piece of information.

"...Starshine Cookie."

Her voice sounded raspy, like she hadn't used it in ages, centuries even. It hurt quite a lot to speak too... "Do you know what you were doing there? The entire place was halfly-crumbled, but you remained unharmed.." Kouign-Amann Cookie asked, to which Starshine Cookie only shook her head. She was unaware of any chapel or memorial or whatever. The only thing set gravely into her mind was her name, and a few other things. Mayhaps.

Silence filled the room for a few heartbeats, almost suffocating Starshine Cookie with its awkward and heavy weight. Financier Cookie spoke up. "Perhaps we should get consul Clotted Cream Cookie now.." 

She cast a side-glance at Kouign-Amann Cookie, who seemed to be unsure of whether or not to leave Starshine Cookie alone. But she nodded hesitantly. "Right. You just stay here, alrighty?" Not giving Starshine Cookie any time to respond, both Cookies left, closing the door behind them.

So she was alone again. Consul? Creme Republic? It sounds like these things should ring a bell, but to now avail. And the throbbing pain in her head, and entire body infact, didn't do any help either. Leaning back in the silky bed slightly, Starshine Cookie was having troubles to comprehend everything that happened just now.

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