Chapter 2 - Offer

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Lying around, staring into nothingness...

This... still didn't make sense to Starshine Cookie. Everything's happening so quickly, she... doesn't even understand what's going on.

Okay, so she knows her current whereabouts; the Creme Republic. She knows her name, and she knows some other things like how to read. Is that right? At least she thinks so. And she now knows two of the Creme Republic's inhabitants, Kouign-Amann Cookie and Financier Cookie. They seemed nice enough.. But who's that 'consul' Financier Cookie mentioned?

All that, and the facts she just woke up and doesn't remember anything, her whole body hurts, especially her head, she's feeling pretty shitty right now.

The sound of the door once more opening with a creek caught Starshine Cookie's attention.

"Ah, I see our guest has awakened." A male voice sounds.

Inside the room stepped Financier Cookie and Kouign-Amann Cookie, but they now had a fairly tall guy with light blonde hair and emerald green eyes with them. The white suit he was wearing must really be a pain if he spills anything on himself. Though, he does kinda look like he's trained that doesn't happen to him.. He walked closer to Starshine Cookie, stopping at the foot of the bed.

"Greetings. I am Clotted Cream Cookie, consul of the Creme Republic." The Cookie, Clotted Cream Cookie apparently, said. His smile seemed oddly charming. A little bit too charming for Starshine Cookie.

"...Hello." She gave the most polite tone of voice she could muster, not quite knowing how to act. The guy seemed to be someone important... Clotted Cream Cookie eyed her curiously. "As Financier Cookie and Kouign-Amann Cookie have reported to me already, you are unaware of how you got to that memorial, correct?" Starshine Cookie nodded slowly. "Yeah... I can't remember much."

She felt vulnerable. Weak, and she hated it. Not having any sort of orientation... it kinda made Starshine Cookie mad.

"And I assume you cannot remember anything else either?"


Clotted Cream Cookie paused for a while, folding his hands behind his back. His own eyes bore into Starshine Cookie's with such a piercing gaze, she almost thought about shouting at him, asking him for answers she knew he didn't have instead of staring at her like a creep. But she held her tongue. The male was simply voicing his thoughts in his head before deciding to speak them. "What would you say if we offered you a place in the Creme Republic?" He asks, totally out of the blue.


Starshine Cookie's mouth hung open with shock as she furrows her brows. "...I beg your pardon?" An utterly useless question. Her ears were working well enough. Financier Cookie also widens her brown eyes as she stares at the consul. "But sir-" "It's fine, Financier Cookie." Clotted Cream Cookie dismissed with a wave of the hand.

Financier Cookie falls silent again, though she now slightly glares at Starshine Cookie. "Why would you give me such an offer..?" Starshine Cookie asks cautiously, not quite trusting this ordeal.

"Why, isn't hospitality an important trait I, and the Creme Republic, must possess?" Clotted Cream Cookie chuckles.

The blue-eyed female thought, taking this provide into account. Then again, what other options did she have? She didn't have anywhere else to go. "I-.. I.... would be very thankful, consul. I-if I wouldn't be a bother, of course..!" She says timidly, fumbling with the hem of the bed sheet a little out of nervosity.

Clotted Cream Cookie gave a smile once more. "Very well then. Kouign-Amann Cookie, would you be so kind to take care of Starshine Cookie as long as she needs it? I am sure you'll be of excellent assistance." The pink-eyed woman grinned and nodded excitedly. "You may count on me, consul!"

The consul got up without another word and motioned Financier Cookie to follow him out the door, leaving Starshine Cookie and Kouign-Amann Cookie alone with each other. "Hey..." Kouign-Amann Cookie began, her voice and gaze soft in an attempt of reassurance. "I.. know this is weird for you and all. But you'll find a home wih us. I promise."

The female's soothing tone of voice just set mild irritation to Starshine Cookie's nerves. Did she think that would make it- "Mhm.. I-I hope so." Starshine Cookie cut her own thoughts off. These people were being nice to her.

And yet, she couldn't help but feel like she just wasn't supposed to be here.

(Shorter chapter !!)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04 ⏰

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