iron flame

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Stop bringing locic into an emotional argument. - Violet, page 6

But when the lives of everyone around you depend on how well you can lie, it's not easy to realize it's the truth that will save you. - Xaden, page 30

Secrets die with the people who keep them. - someone, page 87

Like a moth to a damned flame. - Xaden

I'm more than willing to let you burn me. - Violet, page 117

You still don't trust me, and that's all right. I told you I'm not in this for a battle. I'm winning tha damned war. I'm a fucking fool for saying this, but when haven't I been a fool when it comes to you? - Xaden, page 118

Violence, remember it's only the body that's fragile. You are unbreakable. - Xaden, page 219

There's nowhere in existence you could go that I wouldn't find you, remember?

 - Xaden, page 321

Can you carry a luminary? - Andarna

That question insults me. - Tairn

Can you carry a luminary while insulted? - Andarna, page 356-357

My house. My chair. My woman. - Xaden, page 549

We do not eat our allies. - Tairn, page 472

You're my gravity. Nothing in my world works without you. - Violet, page 545

I chose you not as my next, but as my last, and should you fall, then I will follow.

- Tairn, page 611

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