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- I read the hardcover, so if the pages aren't the same make sure to search in the chapters - 

Your future can be whatever you wish. We all have the power to choose our own destiny. - Donatella's mother; page 6, chapter seven years ago

the best villains are the ones you secretly like - Donatella; page 102, chapter 10

some risks are worth taking - Donatella; page 163, chapter 16

when she loved, she did it as fiercely as she lived - Elantine; page 389, chapter 37

You wouldn't be human if you didn't cry. - Jacks; page 420, chapter 42


the rhyme in the beginning of caraval: 

As fanastical as Caraval might feel, the next five nights are very real.

Elantine has invited us here to save the Empire from her greatest fear.

For centuries the Fates were locked away, but now they wish to come out and play.

If they regain their magic the world will never be the same, but you can help stop them by winning the game.

To do this you must be clever and follow the clues to find the dark object that can destroy them forever.

Once you have it, Legend will give you a prize so rare I'm not allowed to utter it here. - Jovan; page 116, chapter 12

the first clue:

The other clues you'll need are hidden 

throughout the city;

to posses the second one,

venture somexhere pretty.

This region of Valenda was once so tragic,

but now it promises faith and magic. 

- page 147, chapter 14

The second clue: 

The goal of this game is not what you think,

To find the thruth seek the woman

of parchment and ink.

She alone holds the next clue,

which was left only for you.

- page 235, chapter 21

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